Simply Flirting

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        "Maybe we should do the tiger." Norman said as Emma and I leaned on his bed, staring at the book and he glanced up at us. 

        I didn't know why, but when I finished talking to Dylan, Norman looked angry. He looked actually EXTREMELY angry and he wasn't even giving me a glance after I had gotten Dylan's number. Emma began to read the passage from the book and I listened closely to her, my hands playing with the phone that was sitting quietly in my lap. I watched Emma finished "The Tiger" and sighed as Norman spoke. 

        "Alright, now what's it mean?" He asked, his pencil moving across a piece of paper. 

        I shrugged and looked at the background on my phone. It was a picture of me and my whole family before tragedy struck. My sister looked angry probably since she didn't want to take the damn picture in the first place, but I was happy and hugging my dad. My mom was smiling and we looked like an overall normal happy family until everything went wrong. 

        "It means that god so great that makes beautiful and kind things can still make things so dark and evil." I said in barely a whisper, playing with my phone as I unlocked the screen and hovered my finger over Dylan's contact. 

        Norman nodded at us and I felt Emma reach over to grab something from under the bed. I was ignoring it and I began to type a message to Dylan, biting my bottom lip in an awkward way. I was texting Norman's OLDER brother who was right below us. 

Thanks for calming me down earlier (:


        Norman glanced at my phone as it clicked when I finished the message and then he panicked when he saw Emma holding a black book in her hands. She began to open it slowly and Norman jumped trying to grab it from her, but she pulled it out of his reach, smirking. 

        "What? I can read this!" Emma laughed, causing me to smile at Norman. 

        "Is it your diary?" I said in a teasing tone, causing his mouth to twitch into a semi-smile, but he quickly wiped it off once my phone pinged signaling a message. 

        Emma began to look at the pictures that were in the small book and we saw pictures of anime girls with needles being injected into their skin, their mouths being gagged by cloths, bound onto the floor as they cried and begged for freedom. The pictures were dark, yet intriguing and impressive. 

        "These are really good." I whispered, glancing up at Norman in disbelief as Emma gawked over the pictures. 

        "Did you like, draw these?!" She shrieked as I saw the message from Dylan, making my face turn a slight color red. 

        I glanced back at Norman who didn't seem to care about the notebook as I read the message, a smile growing on my face.

I was only trying to help a pretty girl...

Guess I'm your prince charming?

        I let out a slight giggle as I read the message and Norman's fists clenched, causing my eyes to look into his. He was angry again. It was as if he was jealous? Which was stupid since Norman liked Bradley Martin and would never like me. 

        "Um no." He said, his reply a bit delayed as he looked at Emma to answer her questions, his hands still clenching tightly into a fist. "I found it in one of the motel rooms." He said, glancing at me. 

        I looked at the time and groaned, standing up as I realized it was nearly night fall and my sister HATED when I stayed out that late and didn't tell her. She was just... weird. I grabbed my bag as Emma and Norman kept looking through the book and I sighed. 

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