Norma and Shelby

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            I smiled at Emma as she and I were in Jiao’s room. Jiao was eating her food hungrily, a look of desperation crossing her face as she glanced at us. Jiao hadn’t eaten and she was drugged beyond belief, or at least that’s what Norman and Emma told me. I glanced over at the girl who was shoving the food into her mouth hungrily and smirked slightly. I hadn’t told Norman or Emma what had gone down at my house, but I refused to. What would they think of me? I didn’t need my friends thinking I was crazy.

            “How is it?” Emma asked, smiling at me slightly. “You know, sleeping in the same bed as your boyfriend.” She laughed.

            I shrugged and smiled at Emma slightly, letting out a shaky breath. It was a happy breath since almost every night that Dylan wasn’t at work I would probably hook up with him, but that wasn’t it. Norma wasn’t exactly happy with the fact that I was getting screwed by her oldest son every night, but I didn’t care. Jiao looked at us, her face a bit green as she blew chunks into the garbage can by her bed, making me cringe at the sound. I hated hearing other people get sick.

            “I mean, we have sex… a lot. Sorry Jiao,” I said, knowing how the thought of getting laid really made Jiao cringe. I would feel that way too if someone locked me in their basement and made me had sex. “and Norma doesn’t exactly like that. Every morning she kind of just gives us the look of shame. Not to mention that Norman doesn’t look me in the eye in the morning.” I laughed.

            Emma laughed along with me and then her face turned a bit solemn. She seemed a bit interesting with her oxygen tubes in her nose as she contemplated her next question. The look of concentration was sprawled across her face and she couldn’t be more obvious.

            “Have you talked to Bailey lately?” She asked.

            I shrugged, ignoring the sense of wanting to burst out and gush about the way my hockey stick hit my sister’s skull and the way I showed her I was psychotic without my parents. I hadn’t even told Dylan and I knew for a fact that Dylan had seen blood. Actually, I knew his whole family did. No matter how many times they say it, Norman and Norma had something to do with Keith and I knew it. As for Dylan, I saw his gun and it wasn’t a new one. He had used it.

            “No I haven’t. I don’t want to talk to her.” I said, my voice straining slightly. “She really pissed me off and she kicked me out.” I said, watching Emma sigh sadly as she glanced outside and then her clock.

            “Hey Jiao, I’ll see you tomorrow and as for you Katie I think you should call your sister.” She said, grabbing her things and unlocking the door as she waved good-bye at Jiao.

            I sighed and walked Emma out to her car, watching Norma spruce up a couple of plants. Emma got into her car, carefully placing her oxygen tank where it belonged and drove away as I waved. I was in the thought of actually pretending to go talk to my sister, but I didn’t care. Maybe she was alive or maybe she was dead. I wouldn’t know until someone went looking for her dead body or she turns me into the police.

            “Hey Katie,” Norma said, beckoning me over. “I was wondering if you know where Dylan is.” She said.

            I shrugged and smiled slightly at Norma, walking over to her as I shoved my hands into the front pocket of my jeans. I was wearing my jeans and a tank top so my cleavage was showing, but I didn’t care. I really didn’t care how I dressed and I was taking advantage of te fact my sister wasn’t capable of telling me what to do.

            “Well, he’s probably at work.” I said, smiling slightly.

            Norma nodded and let out a deep breath. She gave me the kindest smile she could conjure and let her sprucing up continue. As I entered the house, I heard Norma’s voice again asking a question I didn’t expect.

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