Chapter 4: Movie

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I was woken up rudely by Green, and I almost killed him, but stopped myself. I didn't want to kill Green when he had a guest. 

Purple was a... kind (Is that the word I'm looking for?) kid. Quiet, but polite. Not to nosy, trying to be everyone's friend, without being too pushy. I can't blame her. I lived with my brothers for a few months, and it took some time to get used to them. 

Dark and Chosen can be.... chaotic.

I sat on the couch, as Green and Purple sat on the floor, Purple with Green's headphones over her ears. Blue and Red came and sat onto the couch with me, chatting about something. Yellow took a break with the redstone thingy she was building. We all sat on or near our couch, just enjoying being with each other.

Moments like these never last forever, even though I wish they did. It seemed like the last moment we all got along with each other.

Red POV:

 "Oof!" Second said, pushing a large TV screen out, "Red do we need this big of screen?" He asked, looking up at it.

"Yes! Of course we DO." I exclaimed, "It's a MOVIE night! The screen has to be as big as possible!" He smiled, and continued pushing it. 

Soon we had it all set up, couch, movie screen, popcorn, EVERYTHING! 

Yellow and Blue came and sat on the couch, while Green and Purple sat on the floor in front of it. Second and I had already been sitting on the couch, but Blue and Yellow found a way to fit. 

"What movie are we watching?" Green asked, when Purple had asked him. Second shrugged, 

"It's up to all y'all." He said, and looked at me. I smiled, and looked at the others. 

"Any suggestions?" I asked. 

"We could watch..." Movie suggestions (im to lazy to pick a movie) were thrown out there, and soon arguments had broken out. Yellow argued with Green about something, while Blue and Purple stepped away. Yellow and Green fight often, and we're used to it.  We all fight, because we all annoy the hell out of each other. 

"Mission Impossible!" Second yelled over the noise Yellow and Green were making. "We're watching 'Mission Impossible', and that's final!" Everybody quieted down after that. We all enjoyed that movie, Purple even said she watched it with King a few times. Everyone settled down, and we all watched together.

Multiple hours later...

A large bang broke the silence. I looked up to see my friends rushing off the couch, and away from a raging mess of wood, supplies and flames. Our Minecraft house was on fire. 

"Come on, Red!" Second pulled at my arm, and we ran away, the couch behind us getting pelted with fireballs. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, panicked. 

"We'll find somewhere!" Second pulled practically dragged me over to the storage folder, and we hopped in and joined the others. 

"It's too late." Yellow said, and we looked and saw the flames had encircled us. A dark figure approached us, walking through the flames. It came closer, and stepped into the light, revealing a tall man, with dark blue pants, light blue shirt, and piercing white eyes.  

I screamed, as I looked right into the eyes of Herobrine.

A jolt, and I found myself on the couch, drenched in sweat, my heart beating rapidly. It was a dream.

Just a dream.

"Red?" I looked up, to see myself in Second's lap, his eyes blinking, forcing himself awake. "Red are you okay?"

We were on the couch, it was dark outside the PC, the movie must have been over, and it was just us. 

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I mumbled, "Just a bad dream." Second frowned at me. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, in his sweet, caring way. 

"No." I said, and got up. "I'm going back to bed, I guess." 

And with that, I walked to the website house, not going to face my friends. 

I didn't get a blink of sleep that night. I was too afraid the same nightmare would haunt me.


Uhhhh.. was it good? Sorry I didn't post in like 5 days, school and life got in the way. But have a good day, and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

Word Count: 715 

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