Chapter 5: Breakfast

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(Before Red's nightmare)
Green POV:

The movie had just ended. Purple went home, and Second and Red had fallen asleep on the couch. I quickly snapped a photo of them. It was too easy. Plus, they would make a cute couple. 

"Green," Yellow called, mid-yawn "You coming to bed?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. I wasn't tired, but for my friends sake, I would pretend to go to bed. 

"Blue, you okay?" Yellow asked her crush. "You look down."

"I'm fine." She responded. "Just a bit pensive, that's all." Blue gave Yellow a smile, but I could tell it was fake. Yellow could too. We both watched as Blue headed upstairs, our gazes following her.

"What was that all about?" I asked Yellow.

"I don't know... She's been acting just a bit off all day.." She thought out loud. "Hopefully she's back to normal tomorrow.." We both looked at each other, and decided to take action tomorrow if we noticed something wrong. 
With that, we both headed to bed.

The next morning...

I woke up to the smell of burning food. I rushed down the stairs to find Blue trying to put out a fire.
I stood there in shock, as Blue poured water over the small fire. It immediately went out, and filled the kitchen with fresh smoke.

"Blue-" I coughed, waving the smoke away from my face, "What happened?"

"Oh Green!" She exclaimed once she saw me. "Uhh..." She shrugged, and continued to wave smoke away, opening a window, to let some fresh air in. 

"Why does it smell like smoke?" Yellow entered the room, and her eyes then widened with surprise. 

"Sorry!" Blue exclaimed, and continued to try and clear the smoke. "I got distracted, and wasn't watching the food." She said, as we helped her clean up the small mess she made. 

Yellow cleaned up the burnt food, and Blue started breakfast, this time without burning anything.  We all ate in silence,  and Blue kept her head down. 

"Hey guys..." Second yawned, as he entered the kitchen. 

"Hey Sec." I said, as my best friend entered the room, his long messy orange hair pulled back into a bushy bun, a green streak running through it. None of us know why he has this green streak through his hair. It appeared after he came back from visiting his brothers. At first, we all thought Dark had something to do with it, but Sec said it wasn't him. We all questioned it, especially Red, but soon we all dropped it. 

"You're up early." Yellow observed, peering at him, unable to see well without her glasses.

"Couldn't sleep." He said, and we all burst into laughter at his confused face. "Hey! I don't sleep that much!" 

"Yes you do!" We all yelled back at him.  Second rolled his eyes, but the smell of breakfast had him at the table soon enough. I swear, he has been a lot hungrier after visiting Chosen...

We all ate breakfast in silence, but other things were happening at the time...

Okay.... uhhh... yeah. Very boring/uneventful chapter... It will get better! Im suffering from small writers block, but I PROMISE to have a better chapter soon. Thx!

Word Count: 518

Growing PainsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang