Chapter 5: Conflict

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Clementine and others enter in the a bus in a hurry

Kenny went up the driver seat and ready to drive but he stop and looked behind

Kenny: Wait where's Lee and Ren?!

Carley: i-i don't know but Larry was behind Clementine and i

They looked at Larry and he come up with something and lied to Kenny and others

Larry: Lee took Ren and lock themselves in

Clementine: w-what! No-!

Katjaa: we have to go back for them-!

Larry: no! We have to leave now! Fucking drive Kenny!

Kenny yelled in anger

Kenny: Fuck!

He didn't like to leave Ren and Lee but he drove the bus away from the pharmacy.

Ren stand in front of Lee as Lee got up

Lee: Ren! Get behind me!

Ren: no! Open the door Lee! I'll buy you some time!

Two walkers heading towards Ren and Lee, Ren slices the walkers legs so it can fall down so Ren can stab it in the head, Lee try to open the door but he realised it's locked

Lee: That bitch Larry locked us in here?!

Ren: he did?! Why would he?! *slices walkers*

Lee: I don't know but that bitch will pay!

While Ren kept sliced walkers legs and stabbing them in the head, blood spread all over Ren's clothing and face. Lee try breaking the door knob by using his shotgun He destroyed the doorknob but damaged his shotgun, he got the door open and Ren and Lee got out of the pharmacy

3 hours later

It was now 11pm in the night, Ren and Lee had been walking in a straight road for three hours, Ren gave Lee some snacks and water.

Lee: Ren how are you feeling?

Ren: tired.. What about you..?

Lee: I'm fine but Ren you need some rest

Ren: I'll be fine.. As long we find the others and get pay back from Larry

Lee: okay

There was silent until Ren break the silent

Ren:.. I was mute..

Lee looked at Ren confused

Lee: huh?

Ren: two days ago.. I-i heard my mom was talking to Amy about me.. When I was born.. The doctor said that I was lifeless.. For only 5 hours she thought I died and it broke her until she heard I was crying.. she held me close to her and was crying in joy.. The doctor told her that I'm a very special child who came back alive.. But I couldn't speak until a few hours ago..

Lee: Wait so.. You have been mute since you were born?

Ren: yeah.. But a few hours ago.. I was home alone because my mom and older sister had to go to the mall to buy stuff. Then.. When I look at the widnow, I saw my best friend and his mother were leaving.. His mother saw me but still kept going and left with my best friend. And then walkers raid my home and almost.. Kill me so I grab my fang and slice their heads off, that is when i.. I finally spoke..

Lee stop walking and hug Ren

Lee: I'm sorry you have to go through that Ren.. But you have me and Clementine

Ren smiled at Lee

Ren: thank you Lee..

Lee: your welcome kiddo

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