Chapter 14: The Creation Of Project Ren

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??: Lee..! Wake the fuck up man! Damn it! Where the hell are we?!

??: Christa! Are you okay??

Christa: I'm fine babe.. I'm fine..

??: Ren?! Clementine?! They are not here!!

Lee wakes up and sits up quickly and looks around. They are in a big box with a big plane glass in front of them. Outside of the box is totally darkness all around it and Lee saw only Clementine and Ren isn't here causing him to freak out

Lee: Where are Clem and Ren?!

Kenny: I don't know pal! We all just woke up here!

Carley: I swear I will fucking rip Ben apart if he touch Ren or Clementine!

Lilly: they took everything

Molly: even my pickaxe

??: You don't need to worry..

They said a man walked out slowly from the darkness

They said a man walked out slowly from the darkness

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??: Ben useless corpse has turn to a zombie by now

Carley: Zombie?

Kenny: who the fuck are you?!

??: I don't need to introduce myself to.. Humans such as yourselves

Omid: What the hell do you mean by humans?

??: I have seen your deaths.. Lee... Kenny... Carley... Omid.. Lilly But not you.. Christa.. Molly. Your.. Lover was killed by a stupid teenager at the restroom that left you to have a miscarriage. Months later At the woods.. Where two men point their gun at you.. Clementine distracted them and told you to run.. Then.. Gunshot.. No one, not even Clementine, knows if you are dead or alive.. Just like Molly Now there is Kenny. You have anger within you.. That rage was born from your son.. Wife and your girlfriend's death.. Your death has two paths.. Clementine shot you.. And you died.. Saving her and a baby kid from walkers. Now Lee.. Who killed the man who was.. Fucking with your wife. You will be bitten.. On second thought you are bitten and the virus will make you sick and it will be Clementine's choice to leave you.. Or kill you. And now there is you.. Carley. A woman who was killed by Lilly.. But since you, Lilly, and Molly are alive.. He has change you women fate

Christa was shocked, hearing that Omid was killed, she had a miscarriage. No one didn't know if she's alive and dead. Kenny, Lee, Carley, Molly and Lilly were also shock But Omid gets angry and yelled at the man

Omid: hey!! I don't know how you know about my girlfriend's pregnancy and talking about our.. Death and the future. We will make our own path. Right guys?!

They didn't say anything. For some reason they know what the man said was right. In the end they will die but for Carley.. Her death didn't come true. It didn't happen, Lee looked at the man furious and said in a weak state

Lee: We make our own decisions! I don't know how you know about us and our future but when we get out. I will fucking kill you!!

Carley: w-where are the children?!

Clementine x Male Project Oc The Curse Of The Undead Remastered Season 1Where stories live. Discover now