Chapter 13: Ambush

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Kenny: what the fuck!

Lee: Everyone get inside!

They went inside the mansion and Lee barricade the door

Lee: Omid, Kenny, Ben! Find stuff to barricade-!

Ren: it won't matter, we need to head back to the place!

Clementine: what? No! My parents are still here, we need to find them!

Christa: sweetie-

Ren: Clem, I'm sorry to say this and it is true, your parents are-!

Then a man voice comes on in the radio that is on the table

Luke: Hello, is anyone listening? If you are, this is Luke. Here we have some bad news, the Military is launching Missiles and nukes on countries that have the viruses, like Detroit, Los Angeles, Los Vegas, New York, Manhattan and Savannah. If people are listening to this please evacuate everyone and run away before it's too late! You'll have 5 hours

The man cuts off leaving everyone terrified

Carley: Ren grab your and Clementine things we have to tell the others and leave here..! I'll get Clementine"

Ren and Crista get up, Ren runs upstairs and gets his and Clementine stuff, he sees a watch on a desk he picks it up as he puts it on his wrist. He went downstairs then suddenly he heard a loud scream and something burst through the mansion


Ren gets a gun and runs downstairs. That is when he saw Christa get held by a tall buff walker with Tentacles coming out from the back of its back. He saw everyone knocked out because of some red smoke. It was about to rip Christa apart and Ren yelled

Ren: No!!

He throw his fang st it and it cut it's arms and Christa falls down unconscious, the mutant walker roared at Ren but he heard her screamed in fear as he looked he saw Clementine being grabbed by its tentacle and lifted up to its face like its examining her as it got closer to her, she stabs it on its head with a knife but it didn't do any damage to that thing it roar angrily and put her to sleep. The big beast turn and roared at Ren

Ren: Clementine!!

Ren starts to shoot at it while trying not to hurt Clementine

Ren: let go of her-!

Then a tentacle came out of nowhere and hit Ren to the through the building, he fall on the ground with a hard thud and hit his head, it then walks away with Clementine

Ren: clem..Clementine..

he reach out his hand to her, his eyes sight blurred, starts to see red and then he falls unconscious


An Hour Past, Ren slowly opened his eyes but was greeted with dizziness and silent ringing in his ear and his head bleeding, he tried to get up but he couldn't, Lee saw Ren and he carried him on his shoulder to the house. As Lee running Ren saw many of walkers behind him. Lee got inside and Kenny Omid lock the door with chairs.

Kenny: It looks like the horde of them came out of nowhere!

Carley: Clemeentine and Ren are missing, I can't find them-

She saw Ren as Lee rest Ren down the couch

Lilly and Carley run to Ren and saw he's injured

Omid: Babe, are you okay?

Christa: I'm fine..

omid notice Lee's arm: Lee..why is your arm bleeding..?

Kenny, Omid and others looked at Lee's arm and Lee sighed sadly

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