Chapter 12: Out Of Luck

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In the morning time, Lee, Kenny and Ren were walking to find the boats

Lee: It seems like that thing doesn't roam at daytime

Kenny: yeah, we don't have enough firepower to take it down

Ren's thoughts: I killed it so yeah..

As they reached the marina, they saw no boats. Kenny got upset and shout: fuck!

Lee: The boats... are gone..

Kenny: T-they got to be a boat somewhere! We can't stay here!

Lee: shh! Kenny, keep your voice down

Kenny: We can't stay here when those things are roaming around.. What the fuck?

Lee and Ren look at where Kenny is looking and their eyes widen in shock to see a barricade of dead bodies, three bodies were implanted on a long stick.

Lee: What the.. Who would do this..?

Ren looked around and saw someone was walking on the side of the buildings

Ren: hide..!

They hid behind a broken car

Kenny: What is it?

Ren: someone right there

Ren point and they look to see someone with an orange hood climbed down

Kenny: What is he doing?

Lee: I don't know, but I think it's the same man who was talking in clem walkie talkie

Kenny: We should sneak up at him, Lee. You and Ren go comfort him while I'm sneak up at him

Lee and Ren nod and they sneak forward, the man was in a small shop looking for stuff, he went inside and Lee and Ren got close in the shop, Lee point that he will go behind and Ren stay there, Ren nods and Lee head behind, Ren was about to sneak inside but got kick on the head and he falls on the ground, he groaned in pain as his vision of his eye burry, he was the person look down at him

Lee and Ren nod and they sneak forward, the man was in a small shop looking for stuff, he went inside and Lee and Ren got close in the shop, Lee point that he will go behind and Ren stay there, Ren nods and Lee head behind, Ren was about to sneak ...

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His vision cleared and he saw it was a woman, her eyes widen aa she saw him and she held her pickaxe up to stab it but didn't

His vision cleared and he saw it was a woman, her eyes widen aa she saw him and she held her pickaxe up to stab it but didn't

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