Chapter 11: Savannah

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It's been 4 hours after the bridge, Lee, Kenny, Ren and Clementine are at the front while omid and Crista are at the back with Carley and lilly. Clementine is sleeping on a chair while Ren watches Lee and Kenny are talking

Lee: It looks like these walkers are changing..

Kenny: no shit

Kenny looked at Ren suspiciously: did you know there was more coming from far away?

Lee gets confused: What do you mean Kenny? He saved us.

Kenny: Yeah, you told me Ren warned us which is a good thing but I want to know how he know

Ren: um that thing I roars sounds like it's calling something I heard of it before.

Kenny: I see..well you saved many lives we are all glad.

Kenny looked straight and Lee looked at Ren

Lee: hey Ren.. I like to talk to you about something outside

Ren nods: sure

They both went side of the train Lee looked to see if anyone are watching and then he turn around and looked at Ren

Ren: yea Lee?

Lee: I know what you can do

Ren gets scared: um what do you mean..?

Lee: from what we saw. I'm beginning to think you're special, now I want you to be honest or I'll tell Carley or Lilly

Ren looked away: I saw my mom.. She was a walker.. A..and the gun I was holding..but turn to ash as I pull the trigger..

Lee kneeled down and pat Ren on the head gently: I'm sorry for your loss but you can't keep that in. You need to talk to Carley and Lilly about it

Ren shook his head: no.. I'm scared to tell them, what if they won't love me anymore.. What if they don't accept me if I have super strength

Lee: I see..but Ren.. They will accept you like how Clementine accepted you. You said your ability. What kind of ability?

Ren breathes in and out slowly: I can lift big things and.. Whatever happened to me at St. John maybe it's part of it

Lee gotten surprise: okay those are...good it's like you gift for a reason

Ren: maybe..

Lee put his hand on ren's shoulders and smile: I will keep this secret for you no one else won't have to know, with that power of yours. They will used you to fight those walkers or worse I don't want that to happen so stay close okay?

Then suddenly a sound came from the radio from lee pocket, it comes on without Lee knowing until a voice speaks in it breathing heavily

???: Sorry... I didn't get to talk ,one of those mutated walkers was clawing its way in but don't worry... I killed it, I have your mom and dad here with me so... I'll wait for you when you are in Savannah...

The radio shut off. Ren and Lee looked really surprise and worried Lee grab the radio from his pocket and held it

Lee: I thought Clementine said it's broke and what's mutated zombies?

Ren: something is wrong Lee.. I can feel a bad feeling about that

Lee looked at Ren: I know Ren. We got to tell Kenny before Clementine walked up

Ren: okay

They run to Kenny in a hurry, Ren goes to Clementine to make sure if she is sleeping

Lee: Kenny we got to tell you something it's important

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