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[Chapter 29]

Before I had a chance to object and withdraw from the situation, Ethan had already dragged me off to another place that permitted us to rid ourselves of the embarrassing incident we encounter earlier. We ran together; we kept running even though Ethan didn't know I was already getting tired, but we kept moving forward! Until we came across the next street. We finally halted around the area as soon as we felt the atmosphere had become safer and more appropriate. I leaned on my back as my legs bent in exhaustion, and my arms were supporting my legs as I raced to catch my breath. Ethan was next to me, also exhausted from the long run.

I could barely catch up with my shortness of breath; all I need now is a cold bottle of water. I don't know what to give Ethan. It's dumb to run so far now that I've pondered it.

"Hahh~ I can't believe we ran that far! I'm going to need some cold water." I complained, my tone gone breathy due to the shortness of breath. But it seemed like Ethan was already back in condition, not as needy as I am. He laughed all of a sudden after hearing my demand. It's natural for him to lend me a water bottle, though; I'm tired! Even with my defense to his tease, he continued to laugh at me. I didn't know anymore whatever was going on with him; in fact, I'm starting to get annoyed by his antics, and before I knew it, I was after all ridiculed. He was constantly glancing at me and at something behind my back, and so on. I looked the other way around. A scenic view of aquatic animals flashed before my eyes. It was hard not to figure it out; it's so beautiful. It was truly admirable, and now that I've seen it, I understand now the reason behind Ethan's laughter. I guess it makes more sense now.

"Do you want to go there?" he offered. I looked back to the entrance and saw the poster with the ticket prices; all the prices listed were totally outrageous! I could never afford those in a simple matter of occasion! I immediately refused his offer after learning how expensive the tickets were. But beyond my refusal, he continued to laugh it off.

"Come on, the ticket isn't a problem. You don't have to pay for anything; it's all on me," he reassured, following a bright curve in his lips, which brought me at ease in no time. The way he smiles really brings me peace.

But no, I can't just be so passive about it! After all, he's a boss; I can't charge him for expensive things. I don't even think I deserve it. How shameful. "No thank you, Ethan. I'm happy with your offer, but I could never bother you this much that you'd have to waste money on me. Please don't," I begged.

"Franz. Please don't be like this. You know money isn't a problem." Oh, for a rich guy like him, how can I forget that? Money was never a problem for them. I still feel shameful of it knowing that he would waste money on me. "A little hang out won't make me lose millions, would it?" he added as he brightened his grin on me.

I knew Ethan always had that hidden touch of his irresistible charisma. Of course, he had me at the end. There was nothing else left for me to do but come with him. He held my right hand and walked with me inside the cashier. I entrusted everything to Ethan at this point. Money, payment, tickets, and souvenirs. While I just casually wandered my eyes around the area. Posters of dolphins everywhere, glass screens of where tropical fish are surrounded. This place inhabits that calm ambient of sea colors. It already added a touch of peace to my mood. Soon, Ethan finished handling the payment of the tickets. It finally allowed us to get inside the actual aquarium. We walked further until we came across the first aquarium stage. The ocean was just surrounded by us; it's so blue and natural, so beautiful through my eyes. Then a massive number of turtles just passed through us; all of them were swimming together in sync. I can't believe I'm seeing this fantastic glide of action! I'm just enjoying this so much that I have forgotten that Ethan was with me. Now that I've remembered it all, I realize he spent his entire time with me just picturing the details of my warm smile. He even stole a picture from me. I insisted on him deleting the embarrassing photo, but he refused. It's embarrassing! I wouldn't want him to steal my ugly photos. I begged him to delete it, but he even put it in his favorites.

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