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[Chapter 40]

"You're beautiful," Cyrus suddenly murmured. He came back to me, well-dressed as well.

I looked in the mirror once again and couldn't resist the fascination I had with myself. But Cyrus was being time-conservative. "What are you waiting for? We can't waste any more time," he reminded me, his hand prompting me to come over already. And so on, I followed.

Soon, we finally arrived at the office. Ethan was indeed in the office, sitting in his black office chair and browsing the tabloids regarding our issue. Seeing him browse like that just made me even more anxious. I felt guilty for all the obstacles I caused with this havoc. I held Cyrus' portion of his green New York Yankees hoodie's sleeve out of anxiety. In fact, he was surprised to see me act this way. He turned in front of me, held both of my arms, and looked at me in the eye with pure sincerity. "You don't have to be nervous. Just remember, neither of these are your fault," he reassured me. This is the first time I've ever heard Cyrus motivate me. I wasn't wrong to see him as a good person; he's just a little trippy sometimes, and that's what irritates me the most.

I gulped hardly and nodded my head. And so, I finally came inside. Ethan stood up in astonishment. What shocked him more was my astounding outfit. He never really saw me wear these grandiose clothes. I never actually did; this was Cyrus' pick, and I had no choice but to wear it. I like it, actually. Now it just feels awkward enough to wear it considering how jaw-dropped Ethan looked. Ethan kept stuttering as he attempted to speak.

"Uh-uh... Take a seat, you two!" It's obvious from Ethan's voice how he's trying hard to act tough in front of us, as if he's not awed by my appearance.

But we once again greeted him just to keep the day decent, even with those hectic tabloid news stories that make no sense. I know Cyrus' image is about to be shattered once again; that's why he's got to fix this as much as possible!

"Also, Cyrus!" he says, raising his tone. "We lost plenty of time. The scandal is now all over the tabloids and social media feeds. You're most talked about," Ethan reported, but it wasn't of any help in the situation. It's just making Cyrus even more frustrated. "It's very crucial how we're going to fix this case," he added.

"But Cyrus' case was cancelled; he's not going to prison!" I tried to ease the confusion from the case, and Ethan was all ears.

"We need Tiana to give her regards. Then Nicholas," said Ethan.

"Not Nicholas.. You know I've got an idea. Why don't we just expose in the whole world that Nicholas is a big pervert that tried to lay a hand to Franzen? Huh? That sounds good for the sake of Franzen's damned innocence." I can tell that Cyrus was triggered by Nicholas mentioned. "I swear, f*ck Nicholas, he should be the one in jail now!" he followed as he slammed the table.

"Take this seriously, Cyrus."

"I am taking this seriously."

Ethan shakes his head. "Whatever. Mrs. Mendoza found out. In fact, she's supposed to be here yelling at you, but she couldn't come because she's already doing some strategies to pull those tabloids." So Mrs. Mendoza is already moving, huh? She's a fast person. I wouldn't want to witness a hard pull of screams if she were here; it's a relief.

Meanwhile, Cyrus wasn't responding anymore. All he knows is that he's the one at right; there's nothing to be afraid of when we know the truth. Nothing could ever intimidate Cyrus for whatever move Nicholas pulls. Until he finally took the courage to speak, "If I can't expose him, the media will," it sounded so serious. Cyrus indeed isn't having fun anymore with the situation. It seems like he's got a plan already, too.

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