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Disclaimer: I want to start by saying that I don't own any of the characters from Captain America: Winter Soldier. All ownership goes to the rightful owners, one of them being Stan Lee. I also want to state that this is loosely based off the movie. What little of the storyline that is used, the credit for what is used goes to the writers of Captain America: Winter Solder. Other than that, all the other original parts of the story that is written that is not in the movie is my own thoughts and ideas to have the story fit with my original characters that are added.

Warning: This story may contain mature themes such as sexual themes, violence, adult language.

For those of you who choose to continue reading this story, you are consenting that you are old enough to read it. I also want to apologize to all if I came off a bit bitchy in the warning, but, I have to do what I can to make sure that people know that there are things that might trigger them. I'm trying to nip any issues people might have with this story in the butt, before rude comments are made. I'm simply writing this story for readers to enjoy it. I can assure you the whole story isn't surrounded by the triggers. So if you're a mature consenting adult, feel free to continue to read this story.  I hope you all will enjoy. Thank you all for being understanding.

I want to take a moment to state this so it's not an issue: all of my stories are not to be copied or posted up elsewhere. Nor is it to be copied and translated into another language. Only places they can be found is on here and on archive of our own, which I have linked below, so you all know it's me. If I make a profile elsewhere it too will be listed here under the same username, ALunarDream . Stealing my works and passing them off as your own, won't be tolerated. Write your own stuff and be original about it. Don't steal others works. Anyone else with my story under a different username than mine report it. Chances are they stole my work.

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