Chapter 3

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Nick made his way up to Alexander Pierce's office to speak with him about the launch of the helicarriers, once the council men and woman show to see the launce of them and explain their purpose and how they will help the country and keep it safe from any threat.

It's all winding down to that big day, and we suddenly get a surprise where we found a young woman who was frozen and was forgotten about. I can't help but wonder if I should say something to Alexander about this young woman who was found. But Natasha said not to say anything about this young woman. When she told me not to say anything, it seems like she believes that if I say something about this young woman to Alexander, it will bring trouble. But Alexander pierce is my friend, Nick thought to himself as he made his way up to Alexander Pierce's office.

Nick stepped off the elevator quietly, watching Alexander Pierce hard at work at his desk. Nick walked over clearing his throat to get Alexander's attention.

Alexander looked up and spotted Nick standing there. "My friend, I was beginning to wonder if you would show up to go over the launch of the helicarriers. We need to finalize the plans for the council to come so they can put it in their calendars. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what was it that kept you from showing up on time for our meeting?"

"I had a bit of a run in as I was getting ready to come see you. I was on my way out the door when I was called back, because something unexpected happened; and I was told that my presence was needed. I went to see what was so important, that it needed my attention right away. The moment I arrived, I was surprised when I walked in and was surprised to see a young woman, who seemed to be frozen. Anyway, I took a look at the file at the end of the young woman's bed, and it started that this young woman was a forgotten asset who was left at an abandoned Hydra base," Nick explained.

"You mean to tell me, that you went snooping around an abandoned Hydra base? What on earth are you doing going to an abandoned Hydra base, snooping around," Alexander asked.

"I can assure you I didn't go to the base myself. I had some agents go to the base and take a look around the base to see what they could find," Nick explained.

"Why would you send agents to that base, when those agents could have been around doing something better with their time, rather than go around an abandoned base looking for nothing," Alexander asked.

"You say that it was a waste of time, but we lucked out. We found an asset, who had a handler who was not named in the file. Anyway, we thawed her out and allowed her time to wake up so we could speak to her and see if we could find out anything about her experience in the Hydra base. There are things that she remembers that she has told me. She said things about someone who may have man handled her. I believe that the longer that she remains thawed out, the more that she will remember, and she will be able to tell us more about her experiences at the Hydra base," Nick explained.

"If that is the case, then where is this young woman that you saw you thawed out? If you truly had this girl, then you would have brought her along with you, just so you had proof to show me, that you thawed this woman out. Better yet how are you absolutely sure that this young woman isn't a Hydra agent that you managed to thaw out as you say," Alexander asked while getting up from his desk, walking around his desk to meet his friend halfway.

"I would have been able to tell if she was a Hydra agent. But when she woke up from her frozen state, she was a bit confused as to where she was, before she started freaking out, saying things along the lines of 'don't let him get me. He will only punish me.' That doesn't sound like a Hydra agent to me. That sounds like a woman who had been mistreated and is truly terrified of the person who was her 'handler.' That to me doesn't sound like a Hydra agent. She sounds like a young woman who was abused," Nick said.

"I will ask again, where is this young woman that you tell me about," Alexander asked again growing annoyed that Nick was avoiding telling him where the young woman was.

"All you need to know is she's somewhere safe. That young woman is resting and taking the time to adjust to the current year that we live in now. That is all you need to know about this young woman. And no, I won't tell you where she is staying right now. It wouldn't be in her best interest to bring her out and about right now. She needs to try and get used to things," Nick said.

Alexander gave a nod. "I see. How about I allow this young woman a month to heal. Once she's gotten used to the flow of things. After that, I would like to see her for myself, just to make sure that this young woman is not a Hydra agent."

"I didn't come here to talk about the young woman. I came here, because you wanted me to come so we can talk plans for when the council come and see the launch of the helicarriers. But I need to know if they are ready to be launched," Nick asked.

"We are just working on some final touches on the programing of the helicarriers. It will all be ready by the day that we launch them. We are all working tirelessly to make sure that everything is ready. I assure you Nick, everything will go smoothly. We will have a little set up ready for the council, and give them the warmest of welcomes," Alexander said.

"Would you mind if I go and check on the progress of the programming," Nick asked.

"Do what you wish, but I already had agent Hill go and see that things are running smoothly. She has said herself that everything is looking good. So, you have nothing to worry about Nick. Why don't you go back to whatever it is that you were focused on before. Once we are done, I'll call you, so you can have a look, before we present our pride and joy. But please keep me in the loop when it comes to your little thawed out friend. Oh, and should you need anything, let me know and I will gladly help you in any way that you need me to," Alexander said.

"Thanks. I'll keep you posted on any updates," Nick said before leaving Alexander's office.

I can't help but wonder, what the real reason why nick is not bringing this young woman to my office. It isn't possible that he and several of his agents managed to find the little snow doll. I had seen past reports from scientists, stating that the little snow doll had gone missing around the time that they had to move base, because Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D were snooping too close to the base. The only way I will be able to tell if she is the asset's lost toy is by having Nick bring her to me, or I go looking for her myself, Alexander thought to himself.

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