Chapter 7

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Steve smiled at what he heard. "No one's feelings were hurt. Rumlow was the one who was in the wrong for trying to force you to do something that you are not comfortable with," Steve said before noticing Olwen hide behind Natasha a bit.

Steve gave a confused look before turning around noticing who was making their way over. Steve now understood why Olwen was hiding behind Natasha. "Rumlow, what do you want? Can't you see that you are freaking the young woman out?"

"Pierce wants to speak with you, Cap," Rumlow said.

"He can wait," Steve began.

"He wants to speak with you now," Rumlow said before turning to Olwen. "Don't worry princess, your time will come when you are to head up to Pierce's office and talk to him."

"Don't speak to Olwen like that. She has nothing to do with whatever it is that Pierce wants to speak to me about. So, lead the way; that way we can get this meeting over and done with. I have other things that need to be taken care of. Standing here with you trying to intimidate Olwen isn't on that agenda. You can do that on your own time with some other unsuspecting person," Steve said.

Rumlow glared at Steve. "You say that I'm harassing the young woman, but I'm only doing my damn job. Director Pierce wants to speak with the young woman as well. But he will speak with her after he's done conversing with you. So, don't you dare think about wandering too far. You will be found princess." Rumlow then walked away with Steve, leaving Olwen standing there glaring at his retreating back.

Natasha walked over gently placing a calming hand on Olwen's shoulder. "I wouldn't hang around here and wait for Rumlow to come back and get you. It could be a trap, and Fury wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Go and get a move on, before Rumlow comes back."

Olwen gave Natasha a slight nod before making her way away from Natasha.

Maria noticed Olwen leaving and walked over to Natasha. "Is everything alright? Why is Olwen leaving? She's safe here in the S.H.I.E.L.D building."

"Olwen doesn't feel safe around Rumlow. He did something to spook her. Now whenever he's around her, it's obvious that she's not comfortable around him. And me being a good friend to her, I won't force her to stick around a man who makes her feel threatened," Natasha explained.

"How do you know that she feels threatened around Rumlow," Maria asked.

"Because she's told me before that he makes her feel threatened. I won't ask Olwen to hang around and wait for the very man she fears to come back and walk alone with her. Besides, Olwen knows where to go to keep safe," Natasha replied.

Steve stepped off the elevator and was greeted by the sight of Pierce standing there waiting for him. When Pierce noticed the absence of Olwen, he gave Rumlow a look of disappointment. "I thought I had made it clear that I wanted to speak to both of them together."

"I told Olwen to stay behind. She was looking a bit distraught, and i didn't want to traumatize her anymore, after she witnessed the death of Director Fury. By bringing Olwen here with me, it possibly would have done her in mentally," Steve said.

"Well, Captain, it's not your call to make now, is it? I'm the one who makes those kinds of calls around here. You should have left Rumlow to do his job," Pierce said before turning his attention to Rumlow. "Go and get the girl. Bring her to me so that way I may talk to both Captain America and the young woman together.

Rumlow understood what Pierce was really saying without saying anything, before giving him a nod before walking out of the office leaving Steve and Pierce to stand there and start their little chat.

"You are making a mistake by sending Rumlow to retrieve Olwen. She will only freak out if she sees him coming for her. She won't go willingly with him," Steve tried to reason with Pierce.

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Pierce said.

Rumlow made his way to where he had found Captain America standing with the two women when he approached them. As Rumlow got closer, he noticed that there was no one standing where he left them.

Damn it! I should have known that the young woman would make a run for it. No doubt she's managed to sneak her way out of the headquarters. The only one who can catch the girl before she manages to give us the slip completely is the asset, Rumlow thought to himself as he pulled out his phone, dialing one of the other agents. The moment he heard the other agent pick up the phone, Rumlow didn't hesitate to say what he had to. "Make sure HE is ready. The girl went and made a run for it. Don't make it obvious to her that we are onto her. We don't need to draw any attention to him or ourselves." Rumlow then hung up before the other agent could respond.

I know he will be happy to have you back, princess. He's been a bit overly aggressive without you around to help tend to his desires, Rumlow thought to himself.

Olwen was speed walking, trying to avoid being seen as she was trying her best not to draw any attention to herself as she was trying to make her way to safety. Olwen kept looking over her shoulder every few minutes, making sure that nobody was following behind her.

Olwen turned back around, only to feel an iron grip on her arm, causing her eyes to go wide as she spotted the one man who is her living nightmare. Olwen opened her mouth, getting ready to scream, but was stopped as the asset stuck a needle in her neck, pushing the plunger down injecting the contents of the syringe into Olwen's neck, causing her body to go limp in his arms. The Winter Soldier then picked up the limp woman, carrying her out of the building to a hummer, tying her hands together before getting inside beside her, keeping guard over her, so nobody else got tempted to mess with his toy.

Steve stormed out of the meeting with Pierce, not liking the way that he kept accusing him and Olwen for plotting a way to kill director Nick Fury.

That only infuriated Steve, because he had only met Olwen when Fury and her had shown up at his apartment. After that, Steve began to feel an obligation to keep Olwen safe, because Fury was so protective of her. That and Olwen had the sense of childlike innocence about her. It was a breath of fresh air considering all that he had been through before Olwen was found and defrosted. Hopefully Olwen managed to get the hell out of here, before Rumlow had a chance to snag her up. Something deep inside of me is telling me that this was all a huge set up, so that way Pierce can keep me distracted long enough to keep me from remaining by Olwen's side and protecting her. It has to be the only reason why he sent Rumlow out of the room to go and look for her, Steve thought as he made his way to the vending machine, where he also hid the drive that Pierce was also inquiring about.

Once Steve got there, he noticed that the drive was gone. Steve glanced in the glass and saw Natasha's reflection staring back at him.

Steve turned around pushing Natasha into an empty room closing the door behind him. "Where is the flash drive? And did Olwen make it out of here safe?

"The drive is somewhere safe as is Olwen. That is all you need to know. Now answer me this, where did you get it," Natasha asked inquiring about the flash drive.

"Fury. Now where is it," Steve asked again. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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