Chapter 2

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Nick Fury rushed down towards the lab, where he was told to go right away, because agents sent to the abandoned Hydra base had found something.

Fury was furious about this sudden phone call, because he had meetings he had to get to. Fury walked in and was a bit shocked to find Natasha Romanov standing there as well. "Romanov, I'm surprised to see you here. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out on a mission right now?"

"This is the reason why I was on the mission. Scientists had found some locked files on a hard drive. I hacked them and translated the files. They spoke of an asset that would be kept frozen until she was needed to be sent out. That's all it said. They call her the Winter doll. It also said that she had a handler who apparently feared, but the handler's name wasn't listed in the file," Natasha said while walking alongside Fury as he entered the room where the frozen young woman lay thawing out.

Fury walked over to the bed, picking up the file taking a look through the file to see if he could find a name of the young woman who lie in the bed.

"Olwen Bardot. That appears to be the name in the files. She was born September 13, 1971. She was taken in 1989 and was kept prisoner by Hydra. Poor girl has been through hell and back. According to her files, she was put through tons of abuse by the hand of her handler, who did so much to her," Fury said while looking through the information that was written in the file.

"I tried to see if I could find all that was done to her, but it appears that the scientists didn't want to put those details in the file; along with keeping the name of her handler a secret. Whoever was her handler it appears that he did some damage to her. According to the file, her handler broke her spirit to where she would do anything to keep her handler happy," Natasha said while looking at the young woman.

"That will be determined when she wakes. For now, we can't be too sure what to expect until this young woman wakes," Fury said.

Natasha turned her attention to Fury. "You are aware that when she wakes, she will most likely freak out a bit, because she will be a bit out of her time element. We must help her adjust to the year 2014, as well as show her all the technological advances that we had gone through throughout the years. Don't want to spook her and set her on the defense."

"You have a point. I want you to stay here and keep watch over her. Don't want her to freak out," Fury said before Natasha pointed down to the young woman, whose fingers started to twitch.

"It looks like you will be here to help get her caught up with the current year. The poor girl might have been kept frozen from," Natasha said before checking the files. "Since December 20, 1991. Poor girl. She missed out on so much. But it won't be so hard to teach her about all the updated technology that we have. Though we have to see who she can handle defending herself, and what she knows," Natasha said.

"I will be the one to take her under my wing to teach her how to take down an enemy, if she doesn't know how to do so," Fury said before hearing a groan escape the lips of the young woman who was thawing out.

"Oh, dear god, I feel so...drowsy," Olwen said before opening her eyes. Olwen looked around noticing that she was in a strange room. "Where am I? An even better question, what year is it?"

"Keep calm. You're in a safe environment. We found you in an abandoned Hydra camp. It's the year 2014. My name is Natasha Romanov, or you can call me Black Widow. This man next to me, he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. His name is Nick Fury," Natasha said. "What is the last thing that you remember before you were frozen?"

Olwen thought about it as she sat up in the bed, looking around the room even more, before a memory rushed back to her. Olwen started freaking out glancing around the room, looking for any sign of her handler in the room. "Don't let him get me. Please don't let him get me. He will beat me into submission again if he gets his hands on me again."

"Calm down. There is nobody here who wants to hurt you. Everyone here is an ally who wants to help you and keep you safe from anyone who is out to hurt you," Natasha said noticing that the girl was genuinely scared. "Do you have any training in self-defense?"

Olwen nodded her head yes before speaking up. "Hydra always made sure to train anyone who they felt had any potential to train and become an assassin."

"What else did they do to you? Do you remember anything else from that night," Natasha asked in a calm tone, hoping to give Olwen a calm vibe so she wouldn't be on edge.

"I felt a prick of something being stabbing me in the arm, before feeling pain flowing through my veins. Almost as though my veins were on fire. But I couldn't do anything to try and break away from the fire in my veins, because I was forced to remain in the chair where I was injected. They had the very man who is my living nightmare, holding me in place, keeping me from running. Please tell me he's not here right now. I can't allow him to get his hands on me again," Olwen said freaking out looking around at all the doctors who were walking in and out of the room.

"Calm down. This is only S.H.I.E.L.D agents. There are no Hydra agents among us," Natasha said.

"Not that you know of. Don't be too trusting of everyone you come in contact with. Anyone that you speak to could be a Hydra agent. But they won't make it look obvious," Olwen said.

"I can assure you Ms. Bardot, S.H.I.E.L.D does background checks to look into that kind of thing. We take pride in hiring only the best f the best to help keep our country safe from all sorts of threats," Fury said.

"Fury, keep calm. The poor girl has been through hell and back before she was frozen," Natasha said. "I can speak with you in the hall?"

Natasha led Fury out of the room, making sure to close the door to keep Olwen from hearing them as they talked.

"What is it that you wanted to speak to me about," Fury asked.

"I believe that we may have found another human who has been injected with the super soldier serum, though it didn't change her physical features too much," Natasha said. "We have to keep her safe, because if Hydra finds out that we found this forgotten asset, they will come for her, s that they can take her back and put her through hell again. We have to do all that we can to keep this poor girl safe from any Hydra agents who are out there looking for her, should they know that she was found and had been defrosted."

"We keep her under close watch, just to make sure no one from Hydra comes and takes her back to their base," Fury said. "I want you to keep an eye on her. Do not let her out of your sight. I have a meeting that I need to attend to."

"I won't let her out of my sight. But don't say anything to Pierce about this young woman," Natasha said.

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