Chapter 5

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While Nick was speaking to Olwen, Alexander took advantage of that time to speak with Rumlow. "You know where to take the girl, right?"

"Yeah. I bring her to the building, wait for him to show up and reunite the two of them once again. He will be thrilled when he's reunited with his missing toy that he has been longing to be reunited with for quite some time now," Rumlow whispered back to Alexander.

"Make sure you don't say anything until you are on the elevator and knock her out to prevent her from running away. We can't afford to lose the girl again. Not after we lost so much time looking for her. We cannot lose her again. This young woman can help him help us achieve our end goal," Alexander whispered, before pulling away before Nick and Olwen made their way over to Rumlow and Alexander.

"Be sure to take care of her and keep her safe. Also, don't allow too many people to surround her. She's not ready to be part of a huge crowd," Nick said.

"You have nothing to worry about. I will see to it that she is kept safe as well as comfortable in her surroundings," Rumlow said, before turning to face Olwen. "Are you ready to head down to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat?"

"As ready as I will ever be," Olwen said. "Lead the way and remember don't touch me. I won't say it again." With that said, Rumlow led Olwen into the elevator, giving Alexander a slight nod before the elevator door closed.

The elevator ride was awkward and quiet. Rumlow wanted to keep the young woman in the dark about what was to come, but he couldn't think of anything to talk about, before Olwen spoke up.

"Do you have fresh fruit in the cafeteria," Olwen asked breaking the silence.

"What," Rumlow asked.

Olwen rolled her eyes looking Rumlow in the eyes. "Do you have fresh fruit in the cafeteria?"

"We can go and take a look. But before we head to the cafeteria, there is one stop that we need to make," Rumlow said leading Olwen off the elevator a few floors down from Pierce's office.

Olwen looked around, sensing that Rumlow was lying about taking her to go and get food from the cafeteria. "You lied to Director Fury about taking me to get food. Tell me the truth, where are you taking me?"

"You're a very clever girl. I thought it would have taken you a bit longer to realize that we weren't going to the cafeteria," Rumlow said.

"Where are you taking me? I won't ask you again," Olwen said beginning to feel a bit on edge.

Rumlow laughed. I'm just bringing you to meet up with an old friend of yours. He missed you very much. In fact, without you around, he's been acting out. But when he's reunited with you, I know he will be happy to make up for the lost time between the two of you."

"No. I refuse to go back to him. I won't allow you to bring me back to him," Olwen said before turning and making a run for it.

Olwen didn't get far, before Rumlow caught up to her, pinning her against a wall. "Now don't act like that, precious. He will be disappointed if you aren't brought back to him."

"Don't call me precious," Olwen said before bashing her head against Rumlow's head, causing him to loosen his grip on her. Olwen took advantage of this throwing Rumlow into a wall before rushing over pinning him down, before applying pressure on a pressure point, long enough to knock Rumlow out. "Hell will freeze over before I return to that monster that you call my handler. No longer do I belong to him." Olwen then got up running away to the stairway, making her way down to the first floor, before making her way out of the building climbing into the SUV, keeping low, waiting for Nick to climb into the car.

Olwen didn't have to wait long for Nick to climb in, because she heard him cursing up a storm as he climbed in the car. Olwen waited for Nick to start driving before popping up behind him. "I take it your meeting didn't go the way you wanted it to."

"No. Did you manage to make it to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat," Nick said.

"Negative. It was all a setup to lure me away from you to return me back to my handler," Olwen said.

"Who is your handler if you don't mind me asking," Nick asked as Olwen climbed in the front next to him.

"Would you believe me if I told you," Olwen challenged while keeping an eye on the cars pulling up surrounding them at the stop light.

"Probably not," Nick said before noticing one of the guys staring at Olwen. Olwen looked at her right noticing that the men were staring at her.

Olwen slowly reached over to Nick's belt, grabbing hold of the gun, pointing it and shooting it, freaking Nick out. "Drive!"

Nick pushed down the gas speeding away. "What the hell is wrong with you, shooting at an innocent man for looking in your direction."

Olwen turned her attention to Nick. "Those were not innocent men. They work for Hydra. And since they have seen me, there is no doubt they informed him and he's most likely out waiting to trap me and bring me back, so he can punish me for being away from him."

"Who is he that you keep talking about," Nick asked while putting the car in auto drive, pulling out a gun to shoot at the men, who started shooting at them.

"He's known as the Winter Soldier," Olwen said.

"Get us off the grid," Nick screamed at the car, before turning to look at Olwen. "The Winter Soldier doesn't exist. He's a ghost story."

Olwen watched as Nick continued to shoot at people following them, before turning to the steering wheel of the self-driving car. Olwen had watched Nick place the car in autopilot to drive and managed to memorize the buttons pushed. Time to see if Natasha's lessons on teaching me to drive a high-tech car like this one pay off. Granted I never drove an SUV before. But this is about surviving and keeping Nick safe. That is the mission at hand, Olwen thought to herself before climbing into the driver seat, pushing buttons and taking the car off of autopilot.

"What are you doing," Nick asked while continuing to fight off the assailants.

"I'm getting us off the damn grid. Hold on," Olwen said while turning down a side road suddenly, driving to a safe place for her and Nick to hide.

"I take it that Nat taught you about high-tech vehicles," Nick said.

"That and I memorized the buttons you pushed to place the car into auto-piolet," Olwen explained.

Nick nodded. "You said that your handler was the Winter Soldier?"

"Yeah, why," Olwen asked while focusing on driving the car.

"That's what Hydra wants everyone to believe," Olwen said.

"It's the truth. The Winter Soldier isn't real. There is no proof of his existence," Nick said.

"If that is the case, then how do you explain the very man I told you about, standing in the middle of the road right now," Olwen said.

Nick looked and spotted the being holding a gun. "Who is that?"

"The Winter Soldier," Olwen said.

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