New Love

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Angelina rang the bell of a white bungalow. It was the residence of Edward Payne, her new target.
Edward's business has grown multifold in just few years. He has overtaken various organisations set up for years. This made him a subject of a lot of jealousy in the business world. Even though, multiple people were dying to be around him, Edward chose his people very carefully. He prefers to live a simple life in this simple bungalow. Nothing extravagant.

The door opens. A man in his late twenties was standing on the other side of the door. It was Edward. He has brown hair which were a little curly, green eyes and a high cheekbone. He was not very tall but has a bulky built like a bodybuilder.
"Hi! I am Victoria. I applied for the job of caretaker." said Angelina to Edward, who was looking quite mesmerized by her beauty. "Oh! Please come in." Edward welcomed Angelina.

Just like the exterior, the interior of his house were simple and plain but it looked cozy. Angelina sat on the sofa and Edward sat in front of her on the couch. A servant brought her water. She took the glass, thanked the servant and took a sip and placed the glass on the side table. "So what am I expected to do as a caretaker."asked Angelina. Edward didn't answered, he was observing Angelina too intently.

"Mr. Payne, are you alright?" Angelina was feeling a bit embarrassed. "Ah! Yes. I am fine. So what do you think a caretaker does?" Edward asked.

"I think a caretaker is kind of head of the servants and looks after the house." Angelina replied. "Yes, usually. But not in my case. I need a personal caretaker, who can take care of me."Edward said.

"I spend most of my time in my office and when I come back home, I feel so alone. I feel like there's no one for me. I need someone to support me emotionally." Edward sounded a little depressed. "Sir, you need a life partner, not a caretaker." advised Angelina.

"I am never able to trust a girl. I feel like they are after my money. But atleast, with a caretaker, I am sure, they are actually here for money." replied Edward.

"Sir, I would love to do this job" Angelina said. "But I would love it more, if you provide me an accomodation too."

"Sure."replied Edward. "But first there are few things you must know. First, don't call me sir, call me Edward. Second, be available whenever I need you. Third, I will not give you any salary, but you can take my credit card and do whatever you want to do. Am I clear? You would stay in the room in front of my bedroom."informed Edward.

"Okay, I accept all the conditions. This is more than I can ask for."Angelina acted to be elated. "Edward, can I make you a tea?"

"Sure, Victoria"replied Edward. "I will show you the kitchen.

He led her to the kitchen and asked the servants to go out. The kitchen was not too big and Angelina felt she was standing too close to him. "Where's the tea leaves?" asked Angelina. "Well, I don't know. I think I should sent a servant to help you." replied Edward.

"No, I will find it. Can you stay here with me? I will feel a bit weird with servants right now." Angelina said. Edward agreed.

"Where are you parents?" asked Angelina. "Both dead." Edward replied . Angelina noticed a sparkle in his eyes. He was holding his tears. Angelina felt a tightness in her chest, a guilt. "I am really sorry. I understand how it feels. My parents also passed away, when I was a teenager." lied Angelina.

"You must have felt lonely like me" asked Edward. "Yes, always. But I don't know today, when I saw you, I felt a feeling of belongingness. When I talked to you, first time I felt like I have someone. I mean, it's weird. We have just met. But I don't know, what is this feeling." replied Angelina.

"Well, to be honest. I was mesmerized to see you. I was struck by your beauty. Your thoughts are making me feel like, I have never felt before."Edward said.

Angelina made the tea while talking to Edward. He was really heart broken, Angelina thought and felt a bit bad for using him, this way. She opened one of the drawer, it had beautiful white china cups with blue flowers printed on them. She took two cups out to pour the tea for her and Edward. But by mistake, she dropped one of the glass on the floor and it broke into multiple pieces.

"I am really sorry - BAAM! Edward slapped Angelina hard across her face before she can even finish her words. She was shocked and couldn't think of anything. Tears started rolling from her eyes.

"I am really sorry, I didn't mean to. Actually these are my mother's favorite cups, so I love them too much. I am really sorry. I am a fool" Edward was really sorry for what he did. But Angelina couldn't understand a thing, she was still shaking with fear. "Don't cry please" Edward was really close to him. First time, Angelina looked at him closely. His pale skin and green eyes, his long eyelashes, his magnificent hair, his chiseled features. He was really handsome. Edward placed his hands on Angelina's cheeks and both looked in each other's eyes.

Angelina didn't knew when did their lips touched, but she could feel the warmth. Last time, she felt such warmth when she was with Charlie. Edward was in love with her, she knew. Now she had to just reciprocate his feeling. She was thankful that Edward slapped her, now she would less guilty after killing him.

She was supposed to sleep in the room in front of Edward's bedroom but was rather sleeping in Edward's bed with him lying over her. From kiss to flirting to foreplay to sex, it all escalated too quickly. She missed Charlie but can't deny Edward was no less than Charlie. His bulging biceps and puffed hairy chest made her go weak in knees. He was definitely quite experienced in pleasing women. He moves in bed just like a fish in water, just so effortless. His arms has the same warmth as Charlie's arm. But Edward was a bit more muscular. When he has over her, she felt like she couldn't breathe but didn't wanted him to stop. Angelina wished the time stopped in this bedroom. She would rather stay stuck in this bedroom with Edward forever than killing him.

BEAUTIFUL LIAR : LOST IN LOVE PART 2Where stories live. Discover now