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Angelina was standing in the front of a villa's gate. The sky was dark and the road was empty. "I want to meet Carl" She told the guard standing at the door. "Tell him, it's Angelina Wilmanson."

After taking Carl's permission, the guard led Angelina inside the villa. He asked Angelina to wait in the big hall, she waited the previous time she visited.

"Oh! It's my dear, Angelina" A man in his late 50s, Carl Jonathan was walking down the stairs present at the side of the hall.
"I wouldn't have thought you would dare to come back to me, after what you did." Carl said in a cunning tone.

"I am glad that you got all the information." Angelina said confidently. "Well, I was not able to kill Edward but, atleast I saved myself and saved you too." Angelina said with a slight smile on her face.

"You're of no use to me now. What should I do with you? I can't just let you go because you know a lot about me." Carl was not able to hide his laughter. 'How cruel a person has to be, to make murder seem a laughing matter ', Angelina thought.

"Well, although I didn't killed Edward Payne, but I got a very secret information about him, that can help you very, very much" Angelina said with quite emphasis. "And what's that?" Carl asked.

"I don't think you're so stupid. You want me to reveal such a secret information in front of your guards." Angelina said while looking at the guards on either side of Carl.

Carl thought for a minute, and said "Follow me." to Angelina and ordered his guards to stay back. Carl led her upstairs into a room. The room was quite lavish, with a big, fluffy bed and wall sized windows covered with exquisite curtains. It was Carl's bedroom. Carl sat on the bed and Angelina stood in front of her. They were alone in the room.

"So, tell me now. If I like your information, I may spare your life." Carl sounded quite excited.
But Angelina didn't spoke anything, she had some other plans. She lifted her shirt and pulled out the same gun, Carl gave her to murder Edward and pointed it towards Carl's head.

"Where is my mother?" Angelina asked, tightening her grip around the gun with her finger on the trigger. "Girl, have you gone mad? Put the gun away." Carl was shaking. "Don't you dare to move or shout, otherwise you'll be dead." Angelina warned.

"So speak now." Angelina shouted. "First promise me, you will not kill me, if I tell your mother's location." Carl pleaded.

"Okay" Angelina said, it seemed easier than she thought. "She's in Florida." Carl replied. "Florida is quite big, you old ass. Tell me the exact location." Angelina was feeling a rage rising inside her. "That's all I know. Last time, I met her in Florida. She told me, she was going to buy a house there." Carl replied.

"WHAT! But you told me, you have kidnapped my mother and she was under your gunpoint." Angelina was shocked.
"Well! Darling, I used you. Don't blame me, it was your mother's plan. She knew you are a little fool, who would do anything for her mother."said Carl with a cunning smile.

" Your mother wanted your father's property. She married him, just for the money. But your stupid father wanted love and trust. Well, your mother never believed in love. According to her, material wealth is everything and there is nothing like worldly connections and relations. But then, she met me. Although she never loved me, but we knew that we needed each other in our life. So, I became your mother's partner in crime. We shared everything. Usually your father's credit card. But your father started getting suspicious. So, we made a plan and your mother asked your father, Alfred's assistant Albert to help. He was ready to help us, in return of a little money. So your father died, and we celebrated. But, as you know, your father left all his money for you in his will.

We waited for years for you to turn eighteen and made various plans to get the property. But this Albert betrayed us. He tried to take all the property himself. So your mother had to use you. I called you and told I have kidnapped your mother and will kill her, if you don't give me your property. And I really appreciate the way, you used your then- husband Charlie, in saving your property from Albert. I also appreciate the way, you transfered all your property to the fake NGO, whose owner is your mother, without getting Charlie any suspicious. But you failed in killing Edward. Edward Payne, is taking over my clients and my business is falling, I must say, quite rapidly. Sorry, it's not just my business, your mother's too. She is my equal partner. July Bloom, your mother is quite a great business woman. According to her, if you can't compete in corporate world ,then ruin your enemy in his personal world. Your mom's plans are really out of this world." Carl started to laugh.

Angelina didn't knew what was true or false at this point. "So my mom wanted to get Edward killed?" asked Angelina.
"Of course, and she knew you would do it. But when I informed her you failed, she tried to get out of this. She know, damn well, that if I get caught, I will reveal all the truth, just like I am doing right now. But, our luck is really good, Edward forgave you. What in the world, you did to him. Never heard of a man who loves someone more than his own life." Carl was looking at Angelina's face carefully, which was full of tears.

Angelina can't believe her ears. Her mother, for whom she betrayed Charlie and Edward was just a money hungry woman. She can't believe her mom, July Bloom, was just another evil person like Carl Jonathan, for whom murder was just a game.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Sir, is everything all right? It's been quite long." It was one of Carl's guard. "Help me! This girl got me under gun point" Carl shouted. Angelina knew she had only a few moments before Carl's guard break his bedroom door and kill her. She had no other options apart from the window. She ran as fast as she can and jumped out through the window. Thankfully, it was not very high. She landed on her all fours with a thud in the villa's lawn. Pain ran through her whole body. Her left knee was paining too much, maybe it's fractured.
The road is in front of her. She knew she has just few seconds before the body guards come after her. She used all her strenght to stand but couldn't. But suddenly someone lifted her. She knew her end was near.

"We have to escape quickly." It's Edward. She can't believe. "Edward, please go away, they will kill you."Angelina's pleadings were useless as Edward was already dragging her on the road. "But we can't go much far like this. They will catch us." Edward has just finished, when a car pulled up just next to them.

"Get in, quick" Charlie said from the driver's seat. Angelina couldn't believe her eyes, both Edward and Charlie coming to help her. Edward opened the back door and pushed Angelina quickly inside the car and then himself got in. Charlie had just started the car, when he saw the bodyguards running towards them in the rear view mirror. But, Charlie's car was too quick for the guards. Charlie drove as fast as he can and escaped the scene.

BEAUTIFUL LIAR : LOST IN LOVE PART 2Where stories live. Discover now