Truth or Dare

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"I think we deserve answers now." said Edward to Angelina, who was lying on the hospital's bed with a plaster on her leg.
"You two were following me?" Angelina tried to change the topic as she didn't wanted to tell the truth. She looked at Charlie, who was talking to the doctor.

"The doctor's says, you'll be fine in a couple week." said Charlie trying to look calm.
"Well, I was following you." Edward said "but why did you go to Jonathan's house?"

"And you, Charlie, you're following me too?" Angelina shifted her focus to Charlie. "Umm, no, I was following Edward. I thought he will go after you and will try to hurt you. I thought he would take revenge. Well, sorry, Edward, I was wrong. You saved her." Charlie was feeling a bit guilty.

"Charlie, I am sorry too. Actually, you saved us." Edward said with a smile.
Angelina was again overwhelmed. Two men endangering their life to save her.

"Angelina, we have saved you enough times, now we deserve the truth." Charlie said sternly.

Angelina had no choice now. She told them everything. Everything.

"Why didn't you tell me all this earlier? You never trusted me." Charlie was really angry.

"So, you married me, just to kill me." Edward has never felt so much despair in his life. "And you would have killed me, if Charlie didn't saved me. I think I am really a fool, for forgiving you and for saving your life."

"I am really sorry. I just wanted to save my mother." Angelina was again crying. She felt her life was more real when she was crying.

"Do you love me?" Edward asked. Charlie looked at him, his face tense.

"Sorry, Edward. No, I never loved you. I loved Charlie and will always love him. Even if he hates me, I will love him."said Angelina with difficulty. She was choking. She was breathless. She can't think anything.

"It's a lie. You used me, just like you used Edward. But let me tell the truth, I loved you but not anymore." Charlie said.

"But I still love you, please forgive me Charlie "Angelina said. She was not able to accept the truth.

"Well, it doesn't matters now as I am already married." Charlie said, he was looking really depressed. "I have married Bella." said Charlie. Angelina's heart almost stopped beating after hearing this.

"Don't worry, Victoria. I still love you and will give you love." Edward said, trying to calm Angelina.

"Don't call me Victoria. I am Angelina. I don't love you. I don't want to be with you. I know I gave you love and warmth, but that was all for my mother. I was craving my mother's affection." Angelina broke down.

"I am sorry, Edward. You're a gem of a person. But I can't force myself to love you."said Angelina, when she realized he was crying. Charlie was looking depressed too.

Her mother betrayed her. She used her own daughter. If her mother was dead, Angelina would have been happily living with Charlie. But now she has no one. The person she wanted the most, her mom, is gone forever. Her love, Charlie, is gone too. Even though, Edward wanted her, she can never love him after what she had done to him.

"Guys, I will soon leave your lives. But I want your help one last time. Will you please, help me in finding my mom? I want to confront her and ask her something. I am already very grateful to you both. I am feeling very entitled by asking you a favor again."Angelina pleaded.

"Anjo, don't worry I'll help you." Charlie said. Angelina heart skipped a beat when Charlie called her Anjo. But no, she can't afford any feelings now, she has only one motive left in her life. Meet her mom and tell her how disgusting she is. Then, what will she do, she has no idea. Whether she will live or die, she doesn't know.

After 15 days, Angelina was discharged. Charlie and Edward had an argument for taking Angelina with them. But finally it was decided she will go with Charlie as it would be safer. Edward will also come to Charlie's house and help Angelina.

It was 8 p.m., when the three reached Charlie's home. Charlie rang the door bell and a thin, pale woman in her late 20s opened the door, it was Bella, Charlie's new wife.

She gave Charlie a look of disdain and scrutinized the other two visitors, Edward and Angelina.

"What is this slut doing here?" Bella asked, giving Angelina a side eye. Bella gave Edward a slight smile and looked back at Charlie, with the same look of disdain.

"Shut your mouth and move out of the way." Charlie said with a tone of disrespect. "This whore is not welcomed in my house. Why don't she find a man who will take her?" Bella said with a smirk.

"Mrs. Woods, Please mind your language. I am Angelina's husband, Edward. I and my wife require your husband's help, that's why, we are here. We have no intention in interfering in your personal life." Edward finally spoke.

"Well, I must say Angelina, you have a good taste in men."Bella was smirking again but this time at Edward.

Edward returned Bella a smile. Charlie pushed Bella aside and made way for Angelina and Edward.

Angelina and Edward sat on the sofa. Bella goes upstairs, without saying anything. Charlie goes to the kitchen and brings two glass of water for them.
"What will you eat for dinner, I'll order it?" Charlie asks them. "Whatever your wife would like to eat?" Edward replies.
"Oh! Bella, she won't eat with us. Don't care about her." Charlie replied.

Edward excuses himself to use the washroom. Charlie and Angelina were now alone. Angelina's heart started beating very fast. She tried her best to look away from Charlie and to not say anything. But she can't control herself. "Are you happy with Bella?" She asks Charlie. "Well, it doesn't matter." Charlie replies. "Why are you ruining her life, if you can't give her love?" Angelina asked in a convicting voice.

"I was not able to refuse." Charlie replied. "Refuse whom?" Angelina demanded an answer.

"Mrs. Wilkins, Bella's mother and my neighbor. One day, about a week after you left me, Bella came to my house, asking for help. Her mother, Mrs. Wilkins was very ill. I took Mrs. Wilkins to the hospital. One her last day, Mrs. Wilkins asked me to marry Bella. I refused but she pleaded too much. I was not able to refuse that old woman on her deathbed.

I told Bella that I will never be able to love her. I said please find someone else, who would love you. But she refused and wanted to marry me only. I thought maybe we will spend our life as friends. But no. Bella always forced me to give her love or to sleep with her. I can't. I can't do it, Angelina. She started hating me and finally our lives became a living hell." Charlie confessed to Angelina with tears pouring out from his eyes. Angelina was feeling guilty.
"It's all my fault. I should have trusted you earlier. I should have told you the truth about my mother. I am responsible for your, mine, Bella's and Edward's sadness." Angelina said, she also started crying.

"Why don't you divorce her?" Angelina finally asked the question, she was dying to ask.
"I want to give her divorce, I did everything I could do but Bella won't leave me at any cost. I don't know why. Why does she want to live in this hell." Charlie replied.

Edward was coming downstairs after using washroom. He was looking quite pleased. Angelina had no idea, what made Edward happy. But she was elated to see Edward happy.

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