First Day

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"It's gonna be hard finding a new friend after what happened last year. No one even likes me now." I complained through the phone. I was walking to the bus stop while on the phone with my best friend Jelissa.
"Except for me." Jelissa exclaimed through the other side of the line.
"Yeah, but your all the way in Italy. I have to make friends in this country too." I said. I stopped at my stop as the bus pulled up in front of me.
"Good luck on making friends. I gotta go." Jelissa said.
"Yeah, me too. Bye." I hung up the phone and stepped onto the bus. Everyone stared for about 5 seconds and then laughed at me. I sat in the front humiliated. I really thought they would let that go by now, but it was only last year. Maybe next year they will be more mature. After a few minutes we arrived at school and I ran off the bus into the school. Just to be greeted by pointing fingers and laughing people. Again, humiliated!
New school. Oh joy! I hate this. School is just another way for my parents to get rid of me. If you can tell I'm dreading my life right now. 2 weeks ago I woke up went to the kitchen and got the horrible news that we were moving to Canada. Next thing I know we were packing bags and I was like 'Oh shoot! This is actually happening.' Now I'm here. My mom dropped me off in front of the school. "I love you hunny. Have a great day ok?" My mom said.
"Whatever!" I exclaimed as I shut the door. I walked into the school and went to the office to get my locker number and classes. The fun continues. I get to my locker and then all of the sudden everyone starts laughing. I turn around to see everyone pointing at some girl. She looked like she was dreading her life too.
School is amazing. I love it! My little sis Laura is starting her second year of high-school. Grade 10 baby! I am just starting collage. It's gonna be great. I'm especially excited for our sister play day. Every year on February 15 we have the funnest day ever. Just me and her. Together. I'm excited for this year because I just got a job that pays really well. Lots of money means lots more activities we can do!

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