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I managed to tune out the laughing. I went to my locker and saw a girl beside the locker beside mine. "Hello." I said shyly. "Are you new?" The girl looked at me like she was vexed.
"I am new. I just moved here from San Francisco." She said.
"Well I'm Laura. And you are?" I asked.
"Denice." We shook hands and then walked to class together. I told her why everyone hated me and she told me how her old school was. She seemed really nice but she never smiled. Not even when I made a corny joke. Though I don't blame her, my jokes aren't all that good. "So do you wanna come over to my place?" I asked as the school bell rang.
"Sure, why not." She replied. She took the bus home with me and we talked until 9 pm. That's when my big sis came in. "Hey." She said lightly as she opened my bedroom door.
"Jen I haven't seen you since morning. How was the first day?" I asked.
"Just great! I see you've made a friend." She turned her head to Denice and gave a little smile. "I'm Jenny."
"I'm Denice" They shook hands and then Jen looked back at me.
"We are going to have a ton of fun at the snow festival this year. I just wanted you to know that I bought the tickets." Jen said.
"You mean the annual snow fest?" Denice asked.
"Yeah. We didn't go last year but, she loved it when she was little."
"But isn't that for like... children?"
"Well we're all children at heart." She said. "And then we'll watch 'Frosty The Snowman'. Like always."
"Again little kid stuff." Denice said. My sister shot her a nasty look and then stood up.
"I beg to differ." Jen left my room and Denice and I started laughing.
I really don't think Jen likes Denice at all.
Laura's sister was weird. She wanted to do a bunch of baby stuff with a 16 year old. It was about 10 and I just had to ask. "So do you actually like that annual snow fest thing?" I asked.
"Well it was really cool when I was younger but I guess not really since I'm older. I mean do you think it's cool?" She asked.
"For a 5 to 12 year old sure but your 16. It's just crazy. I say you ditch your sister and come to Hawaii with me and my family." I suggested.
"I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"She would be so sad if I did."
"Who cares! She's treating you like a baby!"
"I know but still." She trailed off and put her head down.
After I left Laura's room, I decided to stay by the door. InsideI could hear them laughing at me. That Denice girl was so obnoxious. She went on asking my sis if she even liked the snow fest. I couldn't believe my ears. I could tell Laura was trying to impress her. She was her only friend in the school and she didn't want to be lonely. I never treated Laura like a baby except for when she was a baby. I hope she doesn't ditch me. I went back to my room and sat on my bed. Maybe it was time to end the sister bonding tradition.

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