Hawaii And Jenny

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"Hey hun, did you talk to Jen yet?" Mom asked.
"Uh... Yes." I lied. I didn't feel like I needed to tell her.
"I know your lying but it doesn't matter because I already did." She said.
"Oh goody." I said picking up my bag and dragging it down the stairs. Denice came in to help me.
"You ready?" She asked.
"Did you tell your sister you were leaving now?" asked mom walking down the stairs.
"Yep!" I lied again. I hopped into Denice's car and we drove off to the airport.
"My parents are already at the airport." She said.
Hawaii was the best. We went swimming and really that's all we did everyday. Swim. It was fun though. Oh we got these amazing messages too. It was awesome. Dad and I just did boring educational stuff once Denice's family left but it was still great to be with him.
"So you know Laura I'll only be home for a few weeks and then I'm going to Japan." He said.
"Are they shooting part of the movie there?" I asked while taking a little bite out of my popsical.
"Yes." He said. "Be good when I leave again."
"I always am."
"Well, most of the time. You are a teenager."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know what I mean." He gave me a hug and I went off to bed. Hawaii was great but I was kind of bummed to go home.
Dad was coming home today. I was excited to see him again. I haven't seen him in 5 months. I was setting up dinner. When Laura came home I was going to make things right. I was going to apologize then the next day we would go see a movie go out to eat and do whatever else she wanted to do.
We had a great dinner as a family. After dinner I talked to Laura. "Hey." I said sitting beside her on the couch. "Can we talk?" I asked.
"Sure." She said.
"I'm sorry about everything." I said. "It's my fault but I'm gonna make it up to you. Tomorrow we'll go see a movie eat out and then do whatever else you want." She smiled and then gave me a hug.
So maybe I didn't push my sister that far because we managed to get closer. Sister bonding day was updated and she was treating me like my age and hey I'm popular now too. Chelsea told me that she liked my new style and got the school to stop laughing and pointing. I mean there are always going to be those people who won't listen to Chelsea and always hate me but the majority of the school are followers and they'll listen to any popular person. So for now life is good.
The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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