Mall, Park, Blood

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I woke up extra early to make Laura breakfast and to talk to her about Denice. I heard they were going to the mall. I just hope Denice isn't going to make her cut school. I didn't get all the details of when and how but I can tell that Denice is that kind of girl who will skip a day of school for clothes. At about 9 Laura came down to the kitchen. "Hey. Your up early." She said.
"I wanted to make you breakfast." I said handing her a plate with a piece of toast and a fried egg.
"Thank you." She said as she took the plate from my hand. I took my own plate and then sat down in front of herr.
"So, I heard you and Denice are going to the mall." I said. I wanted to make sure that her plan wasn't to skip school. "I don't think the city bus runs during school hours. How you gonna get there?"
"Well that's not your business." She snapped.
"Excuse me?" She was giving me attitude and I don't do attitude.
"You know I've been meaning to ask. Your in collage now so why are you still living here?" She asked with sass.
"Why not?" I replied. "If I wasn't living here right now you wouldn't have a great breakfast in front of you."
"We also wouldn't be having a discussion that has nothing to do with you." She left the table and picked up her bag. "Stop treating me like I'm 3! I'm 16 I don't need you anymore."
"Wow. A few days with a person you barely know changed you alot." I said getting up from the table.
"Ok so what? Hanging out with anyone for a few days can change you. Maybe you haven't seen it yet but Denice is a really good friend and nothing you say will change my perspective of her." She turned around and left the house slamming the door. I never got the answer of weather she's skipping school or not. I don't even care about Denice anymore but I still managed to bring up a fight.
Jenny is such a jerk! Denice is a great friend and yea so what if I skip school to hang with her? I don't even know why she thought that. I got onto the bus and stared out the window. Denice was right. She'e been treating me like a baby all these years and I never even noticed. This year I probably will just ditch her and go off with Denice's family to Hawaii this winter.
In the middle of our free period Denice and I went to the mall. We stayed there all day. I bought 5 dress' 8 tops, 2 of which were crop tops, 2 pairs of skinny jeans and 1 pair of shoes. It was amazing. We never went back to school. When I got home Jenny was right by the door waiting for me. "What!" I screamed.
"Why you home so late?" She asked calmly. I sneered and then walked over to the stairs to drop my bag and started up the stairs. "Stop! I was talking to you!" She yelled. I continued running up the stairs and closed the door behind me.
Right when got home I took a nap then at about midnight I snuck out to the park. A few minutes later Laura came. "Hey." I said. "Your just in time."
"So does it look good?" She asked twirling around.
"Dude! It's midnight I can barely see you." I said.
"Well how did you get here without being able to see?" She asked.
"With my flash light." I said.
"Then put it on." She said. I put on the flashlight. I knew what I picked out would look great on her. Just then the light flickered and my flashlight was blown. I slapped it a few times but nothing happened. "Hey why'd you turn it off? I was working it! Was my modelling really that bad?"
"No, I didn't turn it off it's blown!" I exclaimed. I could here her walking over to me.
"Try taking out the batteries and then putting them back in. That usually works." I tried to find the flip to open it up but Laura must of tried to help me too ad that's when she pushed it out of my hand. "Oops!"
"Was that you or me?" I asked even though I knew she did it.
"I did it. Sorry. Just try and find it. Get down on the ground." She said. I stooped down and something really sharp stabbed me in the knee.
"Ahhh!" I screamed.
"What happened? Who's there?" She asked.
"My knee. I think a piece of glass or a sharp rock stabbed it!" I held my knee in pain. I felt hands pulling me up and walking me away.
"It's ok it's me. The slide is so close we can stay under there until we have light." she said walking me over. I could feel the sand going into my shoes. Why did I wear flip flops? We sat down on the sand under the slide. suddenly I felt wet stuff on my knee. Not blood. Please not blood. I tasted it. Blood. It was blood.
"Laura my knee. It's bleeding." I said.
"No no! This is the worst thing that could be happening right now." She said sounding scared. "I don't know what to do... Wait no I do know. Just stay calm and sleep."
"Well what if I bleed out." I asked now beginning to get scared.
"You won't its just a little cut you'll be fine." She said her voice shaky. We fell asleep and didn't wake up until about 4 in the morning I think. My analog watch doesn't say weather it's am or pm. I was to scared to sleep but I managed to get 2 hours in.
Mom left early for work and dad was still in California. I woke up and waited an hour for Laura to clear things up but she didn't come down. I went upstairs and checked everywhere for her. She was no where. I started to worry. I sat on her bed and called her cell. I heard the phone ringing and turned my head to see her phone on her side table. She went out without her phone. Now I'm panicking!

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