The Talk

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The first few months of school was okay. People still stared, laughed, pointed and talked behind my back. At least I had 2 great fiends who stood by me. 1 physically stood beside me and the other was all the way in Italy but she still had my back. I've gotta admit Denice did change me a bit but I like it. We became even closer and me and my sis have gone further apart. It's February now and soon shes gonna drag me to the annual snow fest.
"Laura?" My mom said walking into the room.
"Oh you are alive." I said smiling. She sat beside me on my bed and gave me a hug.
"I know I haven't been with you threw all this drama." She said.
"Mom, the drama was last year. I don't know if you know this but I made a new friend and she's inviting me to Hawaii with her family." I said.
"Of course I know. Jenny told me everything." She said.
"Everything?" I asked worried.
"Yes. About you being too old for the snow fest, about your new friend Denice and about the park incident." She said.
"Hun. I think if you really think your too old for this you should tell Jen that. Tell her that you would just like to go to Hawaii with your friend and do something different this year for your sister bonding day." She said. "I already paid for your ticket to Hawaii and talked to Denice's mom. Your dad is going to be in Hawaii from the 10 to the 20 so you will stay there with him and then both of you will come back home."
"That sounds great mom. Thanks for understanding and everything." I got up to go meet Denice at the park again.
"Remember, you need your sister. Don't push her away." I smiled and my mom gave me a kiss on the forehead and then I left for the park.
Denice hasn't texted me back yet. I asked her how things were going 3 times already! At school I don't go near her because she's always with that loser. I can't even remember the girls name.
Text conversation
Sisi: Denice answer me already!
Den: Sry it took me so long 2 reply my phone has been broken.
Sisi: 4 4 mnths?!
Den: Yes.
Sisi: Whateves! Just tell me what's new.
Den: I completely changed her. Her clothes, her attitude and this Sunday we're going 2 get her hair dyed.
Sisi: Good. Very good. Can't wait 2 c her after winter break.
Den: we're also going 2 Hawaii. She won't b back until the 20 of feb.
Sisi: Kk
"Hey Jen I'm going to the store wanna come?" Mom asked.
"Yea sure." I replied. We went to the store. I knew this was the perfect opportunity to talk to her.
"Mom, Do you think that I should do something else for the sister bonding day this year?" I asked.
"Yes. You should probably postpone it too because I'm sending Laura to Hawaii on the 15 until the 20." She said.
"Oh to be with Denice? But isn't her family only gonna be there for 2 days?" I asked.
"Yes but she's staying with dad and then coming back home with him on the 20. I thought I told you this?"
"No mom the last time we talked I was the only one speaking."
"Ok well that's what's happening." She said and we left the store with some groceries.

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