The Walk And The Police

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This was horrible. I left my phone at home and Denice's knee was hurt. It was about 8 now. Great! How are we going to make it in school on time? "Do you have your phone?" I asked.
"Yes I do have my phone Laura and I purposely did not use it even though I really need it right now!" She screamed sarcastically.
"Ok so that's a no. We'll just have to walk." I said standing up. "We've been here way too long our families will start to worry. My house is closer come on." I put my hand out and she stood up with struggle. We managed to make it back to my house but not in enough time to still make it to school.
I couldn't wait up for Laura. I didn't know where she was so at 7 I just left. I stopped at the police station and told them she was missing and also explained that it was urgent that I was at school. They understood and said they would find her but I was still panicking inside.
Laura found a first aid kit and I wrapped my knee up. After a while Laura went to take a shower. The doorbell rang so I slid down the bumpy stairs and opened the door. "Hello we are police officers as you can see and we were wondering if Laura lived here." The police man said.
"She does." I said.
"So are you she?" They asked. I shook my head. "Then who are you and what are you doing in her house?" They asked and then I saw them reach for their gun.
"I'm Denice her friend. Laura is upstairs in the shower." I said.
"What are you drowning her?" He asked.
"No she voluntarily went to take a shower." They put there hands at their sides and I gave a little smile. "Listen we've been at the park all morning and we're just trying to clean up a bit."
"What happened to your knee?" The officer asked pointing at it.
"It got stabbed." I said.
"Was someone chasing you?" He asked.
"No I bent down and something sharp stabbed it." I said. They were asking a lot of questions. I just knew that soon they would ask why we weren't at school.
"So why aren't you at school?" There it is.
"That's a very long story." I said.
"We have time." I let the 2 officers in and explained everything.
"So yes it is kind of rebellious but hey! We ain't all the same." Denice said. I could hear her from the living room as I walked down the stairs. Who was she talking to?
"You must be Laura." Said a police officer getting up from the couch.
"I'm sorry officer am I in trouble?" I asked scared.
"No not at all. We just got a report that you were missing and wanted to make sure you were okay." He said. I nodded and then after he talked to us both about safety and all that they left.

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