Part 6

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After Shadow had gathered his properties he rushed out of the mansion. Silver's last words echoed through his head as he drove off. "Bye bitch," He had said to him as he watched him leave.

The adrenaline rushed through his veins as he drove his motorcycle down the road, he listened to the beeping of his phone as he was calling his good friend, waiting for him to pick up.

"Joh Shads! What's up?" Sonic's voice was heard through his helmet as he picked up his call.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" He asked.

"I thought you had to spend the nights over there as well," Sonic said confused. "Is something wrong? Are you driving?"

"I did quit."

"Wait, what? Already?" He asked surprised, "Why?"

Shadow grunted frustrated as he thought about his contract.

"Maybe you shouldn't drive while angry," Sonic suggested as he noticed Shadow's frustrated grunt. "You don't want another accident right?"

"Yeah you're right," Shadow answered with a sigh as he took the first exit on the highway.

"Take a breather for a moment, get a coffee and take your time to chill," Sonic said trying to help his friend out.

"I will, is it okay if I call you back in a minute?" Shadow asked unsure.

"Of course."

He parked his bike at the nearest gas station and ordered himself a coffee, just like Sonic had instructed. He sat down on the pavement and lit up a cigarette before calling Sonic back. He felt a lot calmer now that he was sitting by himself. It didn't take long till Sonic popped up on his screen.

"So, what happened?" Sonic asked concerned.

Shadow let out a sigh, "Well, I'm actually not allowed to talk about it," He said and rested his head in his hand as he looked at Sonic while FaceTiming.

Sonic nodded, "Well okay, I understand, but you know you can trust me right? But if you don't want to tell me, I understand."

"Well..." Shadow said and rubbed his temple, "... We got into an argument." He took a drag from his cigarette, "This kid is an absolute brat."

"Are you smoking again?" Sonic interrupted him.

"Still," He got corrected.

Sonic rolled his eyes at him, but decided not too focus more on that, "Well what did you expect?" Sonic asked, "He has been famous since he was like eight or so, he probably doesn't know differently." Shadow gave him an annoyed look, "I know, I know, it doesn't make up for that, but you probably need more to get through to him."

Shadow blew out the smoke of his cigarette, letting out a deep sigh.

"There are two things you can do," Sonic said, holding up a finger, "One, you can go back and try to get through to him," He held up another finger, "But, keep it all professional and use your authority to claim your place. Or you come here again and be homeless and jobless again," He held up a third fingers, "Actually there are three things you can do," He said with a chuckle as he lowered his hand. "And you do know the last option won't make it easier to claim your share of the guardianship of your daughter after the divorce."

Shadow lowered his head.

Sonic gave him an endearing smile, "I know it's not easy. But knowing you, I believe that you can do this for sure."

He rubbed his temples again, "Why... When I finally get a job again I'm stuck with something like this."

"Well you know," Sonic said and shrugged his shoulders, "Everything happens for a reason. Maybe there is something to learn from this or maybe a bigger opportunity is getting closer to you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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