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The wind gushed through her messy brown locks as she stepped through the forest near the base. It's not the best, hardly any animals considering it's almost impossible to survive the Scorch. Most of the plants are dead except the few that have adapted to the harsh conditions of the present.

She trod lightly, careful not to alert any prey. She couldn't come back without anything to eat. Not happening.

Technically she could, but being aware of the fact that there's many people there that they have to feed, she felt an obligation to help, in any way possible.

Hastily, she halted to a stop. Heavy footsteps sounded around her. Well, they weren't heavy but they weren't light. It wasn't a squirrel or anything small.

Slowly, she looked around observing her surroundings. It wasn't a crank- the steps were too light- but what else could it be? She looked around until she saw it.

It was a deer.

And it didn't look worried, it looked calm, peaceful and as if nothing could hurt it. It was just stood there, gazing around with its head high.

Rushing, she pulled out her gun. Yes, it would be loud and alert any other wildlife nearby, including cranks, but it would be worth it. For the first time in years they would have a deer.

Happiness and excitement filled her body as she admired it, completely oblivious to the fact it wasn't going to be alive much longer and would end up as dinner.

She raised the weapon as gently as she could before firing it, her aim immaculate, killing it straight away. She felt some sort of guilt for killing it, it looked so happy and content with its life.

Immediately, she ran over to it and wrapped it in the sack and started to haul it back to base, hoping the loud ringing in her ears would disappear soon.

The walk back was quite some effort considering she was hauling a massive animal with her. But when she arrived back at base she got some cheers as she brought the deer into the kitchen. Swiftly, she avoided many hands, especially the ones belonging to men.

After what happened last year when she let a man get too close... She just couldn't bear having that happen to her again. Maybe it was her fault. Maybe she should've got him off her sooner.

Whatever she thought shaking her head to clear it. She didn't have the time to think these thoughts right now. She knew that wouldn't end well.

But when Aurora rushed over to give her a hug, all of her thoughts were cleared up.

"Livy!" Exclaimed the young girl as she hugged her.

"Hey Rory." The older girl smiled as she hugged back. Aurora was only 3 years younger than Olivia, and they had a sister bond going on.

Yeah they weren't related, but more like found family. Olivia had none left. Mother and father killed by wicked, her brother taken by them. Aurora came here with her father, but he got infected not long ago. Since his passing they got closer than ever. They would kill for each other.

The brunette smiled at the young girl before saying their goodbyes as she headed upstairs, to go and let Jorge know she's okay. Jorge's like a father to her and she appreciates that bond greatly.

Once she had made her way upstairs, she noticed a group of teenagers stood before the man. She looked them up and down before walking over to Brenda, who sat on the small couch in the room.

"Hey B." Olivia said to the girl.

"Hey Liv." The girl replied back.

"What's going on? I'm surprised Jorge's letting more people in." She said sitting down.

"Came out the Scorch. He thinks they're immunes." Mumbled Brenda.

Olivia let her focus move onto the small group of teenagers stood in front of them. They looked around her age, some maybe a year older or so. Except for one of them, she gave him the nickname blondie in her mind, he has a baby face.

Suddenly, one of the kids made eye contact with her. He was tall, pretty muscular, few moles on his face, brown hair and chocolate eyes. He was a pretty face to look at.

Fluttering, the feeling of recognition seeped through her body. She felt like she had met him before. But where? She can't remember much from before Jorge saved her at when she was 12. Only from around the age of 4.

She remembers a brother and her parents but that's about it. Is it weird there's a massive gap in her memory? Yeah obviously. But it's not like she forgot the things she learned, she just can't remember the faces of the people who taught her the stuff. Or her surroundings. Or pretty much anything you need to make something memorable.

Little did she know, the boy was searching her face, looking as if he recognised her too, also confused on who she was and how he knew her.

The boy broke off the eye contact first when some men grabbed them from behind holding them down so they couldn't move.

"Liv, hija come scan them." The older man pleaded, motioning the girl to the brunette she made eye contact with before.

Slowly, the girl got up, grabbing the scanner as she moved towards the boy.

"They're tagged." She smirked, showing Jorge the screen.

"Tie them up boys." He exclaimed motioning to the teenagers.

She watched as they were dragged out, struggling against the men, but by the looks of it they were barely even wriggling in the men's tight grip. This was gonna be fun.

Oh my gosh was that effort.
Praying this goes smoothly!!
Updates won't be too far apart hopefully as i'm hoping this won't take ages to finish but we will see 🤞🤞🤞

Hope yuse liked it 😋

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐬, 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐦 𝐞𝐬𝐭.- 𝐓𝐌𝐑, 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂¹Where stories live. Discover now