Chapter TWENTY EIGHT - Freezing Heat

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Though my chest tightened, the rest of Hogsmeade seemed to slack and fray around the edges. A few children ran wildly around with toy brooms between their legs - their giggles and screams muffled in my ears. The sunshine that nestled between my shoulder and neck felt too hot, too pressing. I wasn't sure why reading the truth struck so deep within me -- perhaps it was the concrete evidence that it had happened at all.

Or perhaps it was the realization that there could be real consequences for what Sebastian had done.

I hadn't given much thought to his act, I'd been much too wrapped up in pain and poisoned thoughts for that. Rookwood was most definitely as terrible as they came, but surely not all would be as lenient with the justice system and forgiveness for murder.

My skin chilled and I was struck with the sudden urge to find him. 

To hold him. 

To protect him.

I tried to pound down my fear with the notion that surely no evidence could trace back to him, but how could I be entirely positive? I fumbled with the paper, harshly jabbing it back at the shop keeper with a muted 'thanks' and hoping she didn't notice the waver of my hand.

Paying no mind to the concern in her voice as she called out to me, I smiled politely and turned on my heal, grinding my teeth to hold my heart in place.

Following the whispers of instruments and the excited chatter of townsfolk, I walked as briskly as a 'normal' pace would allow, nearly tripping over my toes in my haste. It seemed a silly thing to be this worried so suddenly, but the pounding in my chest, the pain in my gut and the heat at my fingertips demanded acknowledgment.

"One day only!" A bright, taught voice echoed around the final corner. "Play play pay!"

Congregated in a tight arch around a man on a platform and floating, dancing, singing instruments was the happiest bunch of witches and wizards I'd seen in a long while. Their smiles and joyful claps seemed to echo slowly as I searched their faces for any sign of my little family.

I spotted Anne first.

Her features strikingly similar to her brothers and I felt the nip of magic gnashing feverishly beneath my ribs until it registered the false portrayal of him and simmered to a silent, bubbling chill.

Her thick, wind-tossed bangs traced the tops of her brows and framed warm deep eyes that squinted with her smile. Her cheeks were red, a mark from the same smile that bloomed wider. Her nose slanted just so, small and curved at the bottom, also slightly pink from laughter. Her nimble fingers were threaded through blond strands at her hip where Ominis had leaned his head into her side as he sat on a grey stone bench below.

His pale skin flushed from cheek to cheek, blanketing his nose and tipping up under a few of the loosened strands of unkept hair that had slipped down. His thin lips lifted gently at the corners, pointed nose angled not to the sounds of joy ahead of him, but up to Anne as best he could. One of his hands had found its way to hers and had threaded his fingers through gently. Despite his shifted concentration, the tip of his right foot tapped in precise rhythm with the music.

And finally my eyes gripped the disheveled, casual allure of my bright and grinning Sebastian.

His drunken stupor rounded out and fizzling as he danced giddy circles ahead of the crowd with two young toddler boys and gently trying to encourage an even smaller little girl to join them in youthful innocence. Her blonde hair pulled into a high bun, her small body wrapped in a thick shawl and her thin lips pulled tight - though even through the mess of arms and coats, I could see the grin slowly forming there. Parents smiled at his antics and their children's instant draw to his pure heart, having no idea of his inebriation. A few students I recognized from school pointed and laughed, but Sebastian paid them no mind. His hands clapping along to the rhythm as the little girl finally gave in and danced in wobbly glee.

The Devil Doesn't Bargain (MatD part 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant