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Arjun Maheshwari (34): Arjun is the owner of the Royal High School and IT Academy. He manages a vast portfolio of properties and businesses, but he prefers to delegate those responsibilities to his trusted employees. His true passion lies in upgrading the education system and teaching. As an IT professor, he is known for his strict and disciplined approach. He holds his brothers to high standards and doesn't tolerate any mistakes in the house. However, he has a soft spot for Shantanu and can't help but be lenient when he's involved.

Dhir Maheshwari (31): Dhir is also an IT professor. He is a fun-loving person but can be strict when the situation calls for it. He is particularly afraid of upsetting his older brother Arjun and will go to great lengths to avoid being scolded by him. Dhir deeply cares for his siblings, with a special fondness for Veer and Manik. He takes pride in his job and is known for being highly skilled in his field.

Viren Maheshwari (28): Viren serves as a mathematics teacher at the high school. He loves both of his brothers dearly, but he has a special admiration for his older brother, Arjun. Viren finds it hard to defy Arjun's authority, and he even appreciates the punishments given to him, sometimes intentionally inviting them. In the classroom, he can be a bit mischievous, but for Shantanu, he is the sweetest person one could ever know.

Veer Maheshwari (25): Veer is the physics teacher at the school. He has an experimental approach to teaching and is known for being understanding and compassionate with his students. While he isn't very strict, he values honesty and punishes Shantanu frequently for his mistakes. His favorite among his brothers is Manik, and he holds a deep love for his older brother, Arjun.

Manik Maheshwari (19): Manik is a student at the IT Academy and often finds himself in trouble due to his adventurous nature and love for pranks. He's a fun-loving guy who seeks enjoyment in life, and his mission is to make his brothers' lives a bit chaotic with his antics. He has a strong bond with both his older and younger brothers, especially Shantanu, whom he is always ready to protect.

Shantanu Maheshwari (15): As the youngest of the siblings, Shantanu is adored by everyone in the family. He is a student at Royal High School and is known for being a troublemaker and a brat. However, he often pretends to be innocent in front of his brothers. Shantanu dislikes it when someone gets angry with him, and he enjoys pushing Manik's buttons to the limit.

Indeed, they are a unique set of siblings, a combination of brothers and cousins living together in the same house. They're divided into two groups: the first group consists of Arjun, Viren, and Manik, while the second group comprises Dhir, Veer, and Shantanu. This story delves into the tight-knit bond they share as brothers and cousins, while also exploring the aspects of punishment, discipline, and the enjoyment they find in each other's company.

As the story unfolds, there will be moments of separation between the two families, stemming from misunderstandings that arise in the later chapters. However, gradually, they will find their way back together. Regardless of the challenges they face, one thing remains certain: they are a united family, and their motto is "one for all and all for one."

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