2.Bunk and sleeping

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Veer approached Shantanu, engrossed in his video game, headphones on, oblivious to the world. "Look at me, brother, just look," Veer pleaded, the frustration evident in his voice. "I should not have done this ,This was my mistake , I know. When Arjun bhaiya arrives, plead my case to him, okay? Tell him to scold me, to punish me. But stop ignoring me now. 

Shan(Shantanu) was loving the attention he was getting he knew he was at fault but when his veer bhai come to convince him it is just a treat for him to watch , so he was just pretending to be still sad with the event ..

 Veer said I've been watching you avoid my gaze, as if I'm the one at fault. That's not fair. You slept in My classes, you bunked in my classes even you told me to complete your own assignment which was given to you as punishment okay  "

Shan gave a look excuse me ? I am student So i will do sleep and all but you are my brother how can you be so heartless to use so much scolding in front of everyone , you could have just yelled at me at home , will you ? you just find pleasure scolding me 

Veer , ever the authoritative teacher, responded firmly, "You're my student, and if you make a mistake, you'll be reprimanded."

Shan retorted with a tinge of resignation, "Go on, scold me. That's all you're good for, isn't it? I guess I deserve it, don't I? You know what? I don't even want to talk to you anymore. 

Veer  said My loving Little Brother What can I do to be forgiven? Should I hold my ears and apologize? Say I won't scold you so harshly for dozing off in class again? It was a mistake, please forgive me."

Shantanu couldn't help but laugh, thinking to himself, 'In school, you might have the upper hand, but at home, you have to listen to me.' He mused silently, 'I won't let you off so easily. I'll make sure to get some extra work out of you—starting with my homework.'

Just then, Viren bhai entered and noticed the commotion. "What's happening here, Veer? What did you do now?"

Veer replied, "I  scolded Him , He's angry with me."

"Why did you scold him? Was he sleeping? It's not such a grave sin to fall asleep in one lecture," Viren said pretending to get angry with Veer  

Shantanu looked on, wondering if Viren was really taking his side, to which Viren responded, "Enough with the scolding. What does it matter if he sleeps through one lecture? The midterms are coming; that's what's important. Isn't it your job to teach him at home?"

Both Veer and Shantanu realized where Viren's sympathies lay; he was actually siding with Veer, subtly pointing out shan's mistake  he was making Shan understand that you did mistake and here you are taking liberties so he do that to made him understand by playing this act 

Incorporating the same narrative style, here is your provided text with an attempt to capture the tone and emotion:

Viren bhai's words were a gentle rebuke, but Shantanu grasped the underlying message. He remained silent, acknowledging internally that the topic was significant, and if he didn't secure good marks next week, Dhir bhai wouldn't spare him, and even Arjun bhaiya wouldn't be able to intervene. Shantanu swallowed hard at the thought.

Then, in a playful turn, Viren bhai rolled up a paper and began tapping Veer with it, a mock punishment that both understood was just for show. Veer winced, "That actually hurts, brother! Promise I won't lay a hand on your favorite again, now please stop."

As Viren appeared ready to strike again, Shantanu stepped in, "Okay, okay, I get it, it was my fault. I understand now. Please, end this act; Veer Bhai might actually be getting hurt."

Shantanu then held his ear in a traditional gesture of apology, "I won't do it again, I promise. I won't sleep in class, and I'll complete my assignments. I didn't understand them before, but I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. And I won't tell you to stop scolding me But you have to promise me that you will not say anything to Dhir Bhai and Arjun Bhai too Both of you "

Veer, with a mix of relief and brotherly affection, Held is ear firmly and twisted it  said , "Forgiven. but you have to take your punishments i was going to make you understand and then come to punishment but now if you learnt it better get done with this and yep You just look so pitiful when you're angry and upset. No more skipping classes, okay? You've bunked enough already."

In return shan said "it is hurting me , please leave my ear please , I will have long ear like In movie PK , please have mercy at me"

Veer said " So what did you learn today tell me and i will leave your ear and there viren bhai was enjoying the  show while having popcorn .. 

Shantanu again  replied, "No more attitude, bhaiya. I took advantage of your kindness, but please forgive me now. I promise no more bunking classes, no sleeping, and I'll do the assignments on my own." and then veer said " perfect My little Now be ready and at last he left  his ear " shan said " you are monster bhaiya bow could you ? see my ear is poor condition because of you " and just shut up ..

"Very good," Veer acknowledged, a wry smile on his face. "Now that you admit your fault, some form of punishment is due, isn't it?"

Shantanu protested, "No, brother, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm not standing in that stupid corner, and I certainly won't be doing my assignments standing there."

Veer's eyes flashed with barely contained fury. "What did you say? Repeat that," he demanded.

Shantanu, trying to defuse the tension with his innocence, replied quickly, "Nothing, nothing at all. I'm heading to that corner right now to finish my assignment."

"Good, off you go," Veer said, his tone indicating that the matter was settled for now.

Viren then caught Veer's glance and spoke with concern, "You're scaring him too much... Don't scare him. okay otherwise My hand will talk with you so be nice and Explain things to him gently, and be kind."

Veer responded with a hint of mischief, "Understood, I've explained it to your beloved brother. I won't do anything to him. He's your favorite, after all, the one who fools you the most."

And with that, Veer dashed off before Viren could add another word, leaving Shantanu to ponder the balance between brotherly love and authority.

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