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We pulled up at the house and my jaw dropped. I know 7 people live here, but i underestimated how big their place was gonna be. JJ put his hand on my back and guided me towards the front door.
I started overthinking about whether they'd like me or not, or if Simon even remembered me. I look like shit, they're gonna think so low of me. I should just turn back and run.

Suddenly the door opened and someone immediately pulled me into a hug. They held their arms around me so tight that they probably thought i was gonna run any second.


i stuttered, forgetting how much i missed him. He nodded into my shoulder, he was still significantly taller than me. I was 5'4 which isn't too short but is still much shorter than Simon.

"I've missed you so much, Kat. You didn't even say bye."


I had just finished packing everything. Ryan is downstairs waiting for me. Was i about to do this? Sure i would miss JJ and Simon but i needed to get out of this town, live with Ryan, be free from my dad and everyone thats holding me back here.

"Babe, hurry up! You know your dad comes back soon from the pub so we need to get out of here quick." Ryan shouted upstairs, everything was in the car already, i just wanted to check everything. Well thats what i told Ryan, i actually wanted to write a note that hopefully JJ would find.

"I'll be down in a minute! I'm just double checking that I've got everything!"

I trust Ryan. He would never do anything to put me in danger. I'm doing this for myself. If i wasn't gonna say goodbye to JJ and Simon in person, I'd have to actually write this note.

What do you even write on a note like this?

"To JJ and Simon,
I've been thinking about this for a while but im leaving. I'm moving in with Ryan somewhere far away to start a new life. I'm gonna miss you guys, but i need to get out of here. Don't let my dad do anything stupid, he probably won't even realise I've gone but i know you'll come looking for me so I've written this. I know if i tried saying bye in person, i would never leave. This is for the best.

I love you and thank you for everything.


I left it on my bedside table and walked out of my room for the last time.

*end of flashback*

I slowly started taking in my surroundings, i realised i was now sat on the floor with JJ's arms wrapped around me. Tears poured out of my eyes while i tried to get a hold of my breathing. I tried listening to what's going on around me.

"Take it easy, Kat. Slow breaths for me please." I heard JJ's soothing voice in my ear calming me down.

I try to focus on his voice but my mind cant seem to ground itself. I never even noticed that i was on the floor, the flashback really took an impact on me.

"Katelyn please listen to me, i dont want you to pass out so you have to breathe for me."

He continued to talk into my ear in a calming voice, in attempt to ground me. He gripped onto my hand and stroked my palm. I began to make my breathing level again and stop the tears.

I finally looked up to see Simon pacing with a worried expression on his face. Once JJ felt that i had moved, he moved back to look at me. I had stopped crying and my breathing was back to normal but i was still sniffing every few seconds.

"Kat, Oh my god. Are you ok? You gave me and Simon a fright." JJ examined my face but realised i was fine.

"I'm alright, i uh... i just had a flashback that sent me into a panic attack. I'm so sorry, that was really embarrassing. Was any of the other guys here when i did that?"

JJ removed himself from me and sat on the floor cross-legged while Simon came over from pacing around to see if i was better. He gave a light but long hug. He eventually let go but was cautious about it.

"They weren't, but Tobi did see you because he was getting a glass of water. He got one for you aswell."

He said as he reached behind him and grabbed the glass for me.

I winced as i thought of what he might think of me.
"Thank you." i mumbled before i drank some water.

"Do any of the others know why im here?" i asked JJ. I really don't want them all to know what happened to me, i don't want them to pity me or anything. I just want to leave it all behind me.

"No, I did tell Simon everything though when i was texting him on the way here. Was that ok? I know you trust Simon but i probably should've checked with you before."

"Thats fine." I replied as i gave them both a forced smile.

"Can i meet everyone tomorrow? Its almost midnight and i really wanna sleep." I practically begged JJ.

"Of course. I think most of them are sleeping or recording anyway.

Simon, can you take her to her room while i grab her some clothes from my room?"

He agreed and helped me stand up. He put his arm around me to keep me steady as we walked up the stairs.

"So JJ's room is to the left of yours. You have a small bathroom in your room so you dont have to worry about sharing it with anyone. My room is up the stairs to the right if you need anything." he explained but i was still confused on how there are 8 bedrooms in this place. It looks much larger on the inside than the out. It's crazy.

"Thank you Simon. Lets talk more tomorrow about everything, yeah? I've missed you."
I pulled him into a hug which he reciprocated.

"Yeah, that would be great. Goodnight Kat."

"Night Simon"

I opened the door to my room and it was so neat and pretty. (media) I loved it! I had a queen sized bed with so many pillows. I had a desk and a huge cupboard. I didn't have anything to go in there, but i guess I'll just have to live in JJ'S clothes for a while.

I heard a knock on the door and JJ walked in with a large t-shirt and sweats.

"Here, sleep in these tonight and you can have a shower in the morning. I'll give you some more of my clothes tomorrow so you can meet everyone. Also I'm taking you shopping for new clothes and anything else you need. It's all on me so don't worry about the cost."

I stared at him dumbfounded.

"What!?! No i cant ask you to do that."

"Kat, im a millionaire. It really isn't a big deal."

"Fine, but I'm paying you back when i get a job." i sighed in defeat. Where the fuck am i supposed to get a job?

"You don't need to do that but it's your choice i guess.
Get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow."

He kissed me on the forehead and ruffled my hair before standing up and turning the light off.

"Goodnight JJ, thank you for everything."

"Night Kat." He said as he turned around and closed the door.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, the last thought in my mind being how much i had missed those 2 boys and how happy i was to have them back in my life.

word count:1321

𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 ➙ 𝚃𝚘𝚋𝚒 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now