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I made sure to set my alarm for 8am last night so I'd have enough time to get ready for the girls to come over today. I got in the shower and made sure to do my hair really neat. I needed to make a good first impression today. From the sounds of it, both girls are lovely with how much Josh and Simon talk about them. They were coming over for lunch, the boys were gonna go out and get it for all of us while us girls have some time to meet eachother. I think they're getting Nando's, again.

I walked downstairs after getting completely ready to say good morning to the boys. I walked into the kitchen where I saw Harry, Tobi, Josh and Ethan sat around the counter talking. It was currently 11am so we had 2 hours before the girls arrived.

"Morning boys!" I said to them before going to make myself a coffee.

"Damn Kat, you look really hot today, I can't lie." Harry said, clearly In a friend way. My outfit did look amazing (media).

I laughed before relying. "Why thank you Harry, you also look lovely in those... Sweats."
Everyone laughed except for Harry, noticing my sarcasm.

"I'll get changed soonnnn, promise." He whined.

"Good because you cannot where those out. They're stained, Harry!!" We all laughed while Harry brushed it off and continued scrolling on his phone.

"So, you still excited to meet the girls?" Josh asked, I'm very excited, maybe even too excited. But I'm also extremely nervous, today has to go perfect.

"Too excited. I literally cannot remember what it was like to have female friends." I laughed but I don't think the boys found it very funny. What can I say? Humour is my coping mechanism.

"What do I even do? Do I offer them coffee? Or maybe tea? Josh does Freya like tea? What about Talia? Do we watch something while they're here? Ugh I'm so confused." I rambled while I grabbed my coffee and leaned into Tobi's side. He offered me his seat at the counter but I declined cause I was gonna go into the living room in a moment.

"Just act normal, Kat. Sit down in here, and do whatever girls do. Gossip maybe?" I know Josh was trying but he wasn't really giving me much to work with here.

"Gossip about what?" An idea popped in my mind after I said that. "Oh I know exactly what to gossip about." I grinned like a maniac before finishing my coffee and walking into the living room. Moments later, Tobi came in to watch Friends with me. After an episode, I paused it and turned to Tobi.

"Tobiiiiiiii..." I said, dragging out the I.

"Kattttttttt..." He said, dragging out the T.

"Do you wanna bake some cookies with me for when the girls come over?" I asked, I just wanted something to offer the girls.

"How could I say no to that." I chuckled before he picked me up and slinged me over his shoulder.

"Put me down Tobiii." I giggled while I lightly hit his back. We got to the kitchen and he set me down carefully Infront of the oven. I looked up a recipe on my phone, thankfully we had chocolate chips cause the boys know I love to eat them randomly. They're my favourite little snack, they literally taste like heaven.

I set the oven to 180°C and began getting the ingredients out of the cupboards.

"Tobi could you please get the scales and measure out the sugar please." He nodded and began doing that while I put the butter in the microwave to soften it and then I added it to the bowl. Tobi finished with the sugar so he added it aswell. I asked him to measure out the flour while I added in everything else but the chocolate chips.

"Kat could you come look at this a sec?" Tobi said, I turned around and that's when I got a face full of flour.

"BITCH WHAT." I slightly shouted before wiping it off. He just bent over, laughing.

𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 ➙ 𝚃𝚘𝚋𝚒 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now