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"So, we'll go in two cars. I'll take my car with Simon, Tobi and Kat. Josh can you take your car with Ethan, Vik and Harry?" JJ said when we were all gathered in the living room. I was stood by the door with Simon, and the rest were scattered over the many seats in the living room.

Everyone agreed so we all got in our designated cars. JJ was driving, Simon was in the passenger seat while me and Tobi sat in the back. Simon and JJ were talking about what shops would be best to go to. They decided some of us would go to Primark to get my clothes while the rest went wherever they wanted and then we'd meet back at the car to go food shopping together and get my other necessities like toothbrushs, ect. Simon said that he'd buy me some makeup aswell, even when I insisted I didn't need it.

As they were talking, I decided I'd start up a conversation with Tobi seeing as it was a 20 minute drive and I didn't want to sit in awkward silence the whole time. But before I could say anything, he started talking first.

"Can I ask you something, Kat?"
He looked at me like he was inspecting me, but he questioned it in a nice tone. I was a bit confused but I agreed anyway.

"Why are you living with us? Not that I don't want you to, I'm just intrigued."

I was a bit taken back by the question but i knew it would be asked at some point. And I'm living in their home. They had the right to know why I was there in the first place.

"To cut a long story short, I ran away from my now ex boyfriend and had no where to stay. I bumped into JJ and he offered to take me in for a while. Just until I can find a job and get myself back on my feet."

He nodded, content with my answer.

"So you don't have a job at the moment then?"

"I don't, but I'm gonna start looking for one as soon as possible cause I have literally no money at the moment and I can't live of JJ's money forever."

"Do you have a job idea in mind that you'd wanna try out?"

"Well I used to be really into photography when I was younger. So I might try something in that industry. But if that fails, then my plan B is to be a waitress or something." He nodded yet again. I can tell he was thinking of something but decided not to say it. I thought that was a bit weird but i let it go.

"Photography huh? Sounds cool. What kind of photos did you take?" He seemed genuinely interested which I smiled slightly at.

"I used to take pictures of JJ and Simon most of the time. We'd go on walks through the forest next to our neighbourhood. It was so pretty there, especially when the sun was setting. The most beautiful delphiniums grew there. They're my favourite flower, especially the light blue ones (media). I have one tattooed on my neck actually. So I took lots of pictures of them aswell. Oh my god I'm so sorry, I just rambled." I put my head in my hands out of embarrassment. I cannot believe I just rambled like that to basically a stranger.

"It's ok don't worry about it." He chuckled which made me look up at him. Seeing him laugh about it made me smile.

If I ever rambled about anything to Ryan, he'd tell me to shut up. Or he'd just leave. He really paid no attention to me or my interests.

We sat in silence for the remainder of the car ride, but this time, it was comfortable silence. I'm glad we had that little chat. It made me think a bit more about how I was going to approach doing photography as a job. I'm sure if I ask JJ to borrow one of his camera's for a while, he'd let me. He must have a lot of old ones for YouTube.

We pulled up to the car park with Josh's car following behind us. We parked next to eachother since it was fairly empty, thankfully. We all got out of the cars and discussed who was going where. Turns out we all wanted to go to Primark so we didn't have to split up. It was about a 5 minute walk from the car park so we all set off.

Once in Primark, we all set off in our different directions. I stayed with JJ and Simon. I picked out a little makeup bag which Simon bought for me and JJ bought me ALOT of clothes. I got a few dresses aswell, just incase we go out for a night or something.

We all grouped up again and headed to Tesco's to get some food. The one thing I can do to help at home is cook. I had to learn so many recipes to cook for my dad and then Ryan. I like to think I got pretty good at it since I've basically been cooking since my mum died. But when I was growing up, sometimes JJ would come over and his parents would cook for us.

I picked out most of the food since Josh had told me most of the guys couldn't cook to save their life. The only one that could make decent meals was himself because his girlfriend, Freya, had taught him. I learned alot about Josh when we walked around the shop, I was right. He is a very sweet guy. And I'm so excited to meet Freya and Talia.

I also got all the necessities I would need. I think JJ paid (yet again) but i wasn't sure cause I got distracted by Harry doing the weirdest dance ever to Dua Lipa, which was playing in Tesco. I was laughing so hard, it actually started to hurt. Harry seems like a really funny guy, I think we're gonna get along great.

On our way home, we decided to stop at Nandos quickly. We got it to go and drove back home. I was so hungry cause I hadn't eaten since yesterday evening.

I ate my food in the car ride home so once I had finished, I put my rubbish in the bin when we got inside.
I helped bring all the shopping in and put it all away, apart from my stuff.

"So, Kat would you like-"
Before JJ could finish his sentence, I had already cut him off by jumping into his arms and hugging so tightly.

"Thank you so much JJ, this is amazing. I'm so lucky to have you back in my life. I don't know how I'm ever gonna repay you." He laughed and hugged me tighter.

"I told you, you don't have to repay me. You being here is paying me back already." I was literally ready to cry when he said that. I love him so much.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and set everything up."

"I'll come help you." JJ offered and grabbed some of the bags, I grabbed a few more but we'd have to do a few trips with how many bags there were.

We started putting everything away, JJ was hanging up my sweatshirts, t-shirts and hoodies in my cupboard. While I was putting away all my other clothes. JJ gave me lots of extra sidemen merch which I was very happy about cause it was so comfy.

When we finished everything, it was about 5pm. We collapsed on my bed and sighed. I sat up and admired my new room.

"Thank you again JJ. You have no idea how much this all means to me."

"Its no problem, Kat."

"I'm gonna go downstairs and cook dinner for everyone as a surprise. Does everyone like lasagna?" I asked JJ, I used to make this all the time for me and my dad. It was basically my speciality. JJ loved it when we were younger, I hope I can still make it the same.


"Ok ok, jeez. I'll go make it now."

"Yay! I love youuu, thank youuu!"

"Love you too, JJ."

Word count:1406

𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 ➙ 𝚃𝚘𝚋𝚒 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙵𝙵Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu