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I woke up to the sound of voices outside my bedroom door, i could hear it was JJ but i didn't know who the other voice was, must be one of the guys who live here. I looked over to my phone and saw it on charge. I swear i didn't do that last night. The time was 10:27 am, i guess they decided to let me sleep in.

I sat up and rubbed the sleepy dust from my eyes to wake myself up a bit. On the end of my bed i saw a sidemen hoodie and some sweats with a note on top.

"Good morning :)
Here's some clothes for when you get out the shower, sorry i didn't have anything more feminine. Also i put your phone on charge for you. Come downstairs when your ready!


I mentally thanked him before going to the bathroom. I stripped the clothes JJ had given me and put them in the washing basket before turning the shower on and getting in.

After i had finished, i got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I was getting changed when i looked at myself in the mirror. I hadn't actually looked at my body in a while but i realised just how many bruises and scars there were. I winced seeing them, i hated them being there. The bruises will disappear soon, but the scars wont. There a permanent reminder of someone who ruined me. I didn't explain the full extent of what Ryan did to me to JJ but i know that if he knew, he'd find Ryan and kill him. As much as i would love that, i wouldn't want JJ going to jail. I'm sure I'll tell him at some point, just not anytime soon.

I realised that i had zoned out so i snapped out of it and finished getting ready. Thankfully, Simon had thought ahead when he was setting up my room yesterday and he put a hair dryer and a hair brush in here which i was so glad about.

I finished getting ready and it was already 11am. I guess it was time to go meet these guys. What if they dont like me? What if they don't want me here?

I heard a knock on the door, it was as if JJ could hear my thoughts as he then walked in my room. I was sat on my bed with my phone in hand, just staring at the wall. He came and sat next to me, he put his arm around me. I leaned into his touch and snuggled up to him a bit.

"You ready to go meet the boys? Or do you need a bit more time to prepare?" He mumbled into my shoulder.

"I think im ready, do you have any fluffy socks though? My feet are freezing." He laughed before quickly running to his room and coming back with a pair of dark blue fluffy socks.

"I know they don't match your outfit, but they're comfy as fuck so... enjoy!"
I slipped them on and stood up. He stood up moments after me and we both walked down the stairs to where 3 guys sat. I guess the others weren't awake yet or were busy.

They heard us and looked up, one was quite short with a slight ginger beard, he looked nice. The one next to him looked even shorter, he wore glasses and was honestly kinda cute. The final one who was sat on the love seat looked taller than the other two, around the same height as JJ. He had a dark beard and looked like the oldest out of them. They were watching Friends and that made me so happy because that was my comfort show when i was living with Ryan.

"Guys this is Katelyn, Katelyn this is Ethan, Vik and Josh." JJ introduced the boys.
"Oh so this is the famous Kat that you and Simon keep talking about." The one JJ had introduced as Ethan stood up and held his hand out to me as he said that.

"They talk about me? Damn you guys must have missed me." I chuckled slightly before reaching out to shake Ethan's hand. He laughed aswell and i loved it immediately. His laugh is really something.

The other two stood up to shake my hand aswell.
"So how did you like the room? I helped him design it." The one called Josh said to me.
He seemed very proud of it. He looks really sweet.

𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 ➙ 𝚃𝚘𝚋𝚒 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙵𝙵Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora