Chapter 9: Don't Piss Me Off, Kids I've Been Here Longer Than You

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Flaca's POV

I began class and all I hear is Young Jeezy's I Luv It on everyone's phones, now I'm pretty lenient on phones in class when it comes to free time after doing classwork but all their playing Young Jeezy's I Luv It on loop but the main problem is they're not showing their teacher any respect after I specifically said they can be on their phones as long I don't hear that gangster rap on their phones but that's the last straw for me that wasn't the only straw for me this was it enough was enough for me "give me your phones, I'm confiscating them" I demand I began to hold out a new innovative way to get rid of gangster rap and Young Jeezy I Luv It by deleting it and putting their phones in my version of prison called Litchfield Phone Prison
I'm not telling them about my prison past I didn't even tell my niece
about it because it wasn't important on my own resume because I'd be blacklisted around California schools and I need to provide for my daughters and my wife Maritza but it's my job to protect them from that poisonous music they call gangster rap "These phones will be in this box as long as I want it to be and until you delete that dirty song" I say to them "I'm receiving a visitor right now do not touch these phones or you'll be in detention" I say warning them to not touch them the person at the door was my lovely niece Juliana at the door "Why are you confiscating everyone's phones" she asks me "Well, I'm starting something called The Litchfield Phone Prison in class, let's just say don't drop the phones" I say, laughing at my work "I think we need to contact your wife and my mother, come with me in my office  now" she demands "Can you send a hall monitor to room 804" she asks into the walkie-talkie for her hall monitor

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