Chapter 17: Another Phone Call

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Maritza's POV

I was reading my book called The Rob Loveless Way Of Life Again til
I received another phone call from my own daughter again "hello, long time, no talk now what did Flaca do now" I answer the phone to hear my daughter's voice again "hey, this is Principal Ramos of the Maria McMahon High School I have Maria and Melissa in my office because they supposedly rehired Aunt Marisol back into this school when I specifically said for them to make sure she doesn't show her face back in this school like I said apparently they don't follow orders well and supposedly rehired Aunt Marisol so she now teaches 5th hour from 12:46-1:00 and 7th hour from 2:00-2:30 again" she says
"Jesus Christ, what is the matter with my whole family there's Flaca who takes teenagers phones over gangster rap and then there's my aunt and cousin Maria and Melissa with no listening to you" I stressfully say "but that's not the point, the point is they need to follow orders" she says "I'm coming down there" I say "ok, see you" she hangs up

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