Chapter 15: What Are You Doing Back Here, I Fired You

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Principal Ramos POV

I happen to walk by the 5th hour hallway to see the math class but the teacher instead of their regular teacher it was my aunt who I just fired yesterday is teaching that math to these innocent teenagers with gangster rap on their phones like how is she doing this so I decided to walk in the classroom during her lesson about dividing fractions
"What are you doing here, I just fired you yesterday" I question my own aunt something I'd never thought I'd do in a million years
"Well, I pulled some strings to get my job back and I spoke with assistant principal Ms. Diaz and guidance counselor Mrs. Diaz and they agree that I should have my job back as a teacher and they also agree that no respectful goddaughter should fire their godmother and no respectful godson should fire their godfather" my aunt explains "I'm going to speak with that guidance counselor and assistant principal" I leave the room, storming out of there while everyone watches the cinematic, movie scene play out in front of their eyes

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