Chapter 14: The End Begins Now In My Office

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Flaca's POV

We're all in my goddaughter's office and she glares at me with a shocked expression "Let me be the one to break the silence, that was a disgusting display of what a teacher supposed to be not stripper dancing and shaking your fanny so Mrs. Gonzales, you're-" she gets cut off by Maritza begging her not to fire me from the High School "Juliana, please don't fire her she's just providing for her family" Maritza says, afraid of me losing my job and being blacklisted
"Look, mom she was shaking her fanny and humping the floor actions like that doesn't go unpunished or with no consequences she may be my godmother but that doesn't mean I won't fire her on the spot I'm being really professional about this I'm making a professional decision I know it's not easy on you it's not easy on me either so I have to do what's right for business so as I was saying mother" Juliana says "But, Principal Ramos" Maritza begs "No buts, punishment happens now" Principal Ramos explains to Maritza "Mrs. Gonzales, you're fired" Principal Ramos says to me "Now, clean out your drawers and clean off your desk here's a box you're dismissed from my office now leave and I don't want to see you here
I leave her office, shocked at what my goddaughter said to me

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