chapter 14

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Arriving on the island, we approached the teleport portal to register the twins, I turned to them with a smile. "Before we proceed, may I know your names?"

The girl spoke first, "I am Elyra," and the boy followed, "And I am Eldan."

"Welcome, Elyra and Eldan," I said warmly. "Let's get you registered for the teleport portal. It'll make exploring the island much easier."

As we navigated the intricacies of the magical portal registration, Seraphina chimed in, "I'm excited for you both to experience the wonders of this island. There's so much to discover."

Elyra's eyes sparkled with anticipation, "Thank you for everything. We never thought we'd have the chance to explore freely."

With the portal registration complete, we moved towards assigning rooms in the mansion. As we entered, I gestured to the spacious surroundings. "Make yourselves at home. Elyra, Eldan, you each have your own room. Seraphina and I are just across the hall."

Elyra and Eldan exchanged grateful glances, and Eldan said, "This is more than we could have ever imagined. Thank you my lord."

As we settled into the mansion, conversations flowed, blending excitement for the upcoming adventures with the shared warmth of newfound camaraderie. The mansion echoed with laughter and the promise of a journey where freedom and choice became the guiding principles for all.

After assigning rooms to the twins, I called them to join us in the hall after freshening up.

"Since everyone's here, let's introduce ourselves," I said. "I'm Eva, 15 years old," I started.

Seraphina chimed in, "I'm Seraphina, 27 years old."

Then the twins spoke up, "We're Eldan and Elyra, 107 years," they said together.

Seraphina gasped, surprised, and I gently reminded her, "Remember, they're half-elves."

Gathering everyone, I shared my plan to build a small kingdom with significant power. "Our first step is construction," I announced, "and Ser will lead the way as our master builder."

Seraphina nodded, ready for the task ahead.

"We've already got two of the eight important items we need," I continued.

"what are the other six?" asked Eldan, eager to help.

"We'll discuss that next," I assured him, outlining the next steps of our plan.

After assigning tasks, I reiterated our mission: "you two will be heading to the Enchanted Plains to gather Aetherial Essence from the Aetherial Wells, while Seraphina and I will collect Phoenix Feather Silk."

Looking around, I asked, "Any questions?"

Despite their youthful appearance, Eldan exuded a profound sense of maturity as he raised his hand, his eyes reflecting a seriousness beyond his years. "How do we locate the Aetherial Wells in the Enchanted Plains?" he inquired, his voice steady and composed.

"Excellent question," I replied, commending his thoughtfulness, and proceeded to outline the method for finding the elusive wells.

"First," I began, "we need to look for subtle shifts in the energy of the land. These wells emit a faint, ethereal glow that can be detected by those attuned to magical energies."

"Second," I continued, "we'll listen for the soft hum they emit. It's a unique sound, almost like a gentle whisper in the wind, that becomes clearer as we get closer to the wells."

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