1 ✰ Cyrus's Nightmare

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It was a warm summer's day, yet the town was nearly abandoned. Cyrus stood there watching the sky get redder. A giant black pyramid loomed over the horizon. Saturated, holographic bubbles emerged from an opening in the pyramid.
"Heheheheheh," A voice could be heard from behind Cyrus.
"Shut up. I know where you live."
"Do you now?" The voice got louder, making Cyrus's ears ring.
The bubbles surrounded Cyrus. The ringing in his ear was relentless, quickly turning into a squealing howl. The bubbles started to grow in size, closing in on Cyrus, who soon had no choice but to hold his breath, fall back, and hope to ease into one.


The bed chattered awake. The room was darker than the creatures that roamed the night, but it didn't stop Cyrus and Reese from seeing one another as easily as they would during the day. Cyrus leaned against the headboard, rubbing his temples. Reese wasn't new to this, already hoisting himself upright to rub Cyrus's shoulders. Both hated nights like this, ones in which they were desperate to go back to sleep.
"Him again?"
"It had to be. What day is it today?"
"January 8th, 2000"
"Ugh," Cyrus crinkled his nose. "I was really trying to avoid doing it like this."
"I know. Me too."
"We have to," Cyrus lowered his hands, and started to stare into Reese's eyes, as if he was looking for another answer.
"I know," Reese reached out to hold Cyrus's hand, "It's okay; we both prepared for this."
They gazed into each other's eyes, trying to pretend they weren't in this dark, cold house. For a second, they truly felt at home, as if they never even considered moving to Oregon. Neither of them really knew what to do, but as Cyrus leaned into Reese, they never felt more certain, even if it was only for a few hours.


I don't understand why my parents made llama pancakes, never mind why they were so adamant about teaching me how to make them. It's so excessive. I know it's my zodiac, and I know it is my 'fate summer'. Semi-famous Reese and Cyrus Arbore have made that abundantly clear from the time I was born. It's not that I needed them spell it out for me anyway. It is quite literally written on the wall:
'the most important time of Y/N's life starts on June tenth, two-thousand twelve as she is fated to meet the shooting star and pine tree before finding the others and sealing the beast away forever'
My parents are the reason why I understand people who call homeschooled kids weird. Their llama fixation doesn't stop with pancakes. I can't even leave the house without a llama somewhere on my body. According to my parents, I must make my zodiac as clear as possible, as if it weren't obvious enough; nearly every item in this house has at least one llama printed or stitched onto it. The only silver lining to any of this is that my parents are more than happy to pay for any article of clothing, as long as it has a llama. Which would be great, if XJJ used llama fur. I would kill for a pair of XJJs, anything to feel a little more normal.
"Reese?" Bab called from his study. He was probably checking his calendars, for the millionth time this morning.
"I already bought the tickets," said Dad, taking a long, slow sip from his tea mug. He turned his head to me. "Tomorrow is the—"
"Big day. Yes I know, and it's not exciting; I have been ready for this before I could even knew what summer was. Sealing him away will be as challenging as yesterday's training."
"Fair enough, little llama. Remember, your bab and I will sit right next to you in the tent; I made sure of it. If you feel uneasy, you can always count on us. You may be fated to do more than any twelve-year old should be expected to do, but that won't stop us from staying by your side as much as we possibly can."
"Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate it."
"We know it must be hard, so Cyrus and I made you this," said Dad, placing a locket in my hand. "You know how to read it, right?"
"I should know how to read it," I said, letting out a chuckle. It was more strained than I expected it to sound. "I must be the only twelve-year-old in the world who can read as many calendars as I can."
"There's no way in hell you aren't." Dad pulled me into a hug, "No matter what happens, I'm proud of you. We will all get through this."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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