四 ♥︎ Simplfy

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There it was. My path to survival was staring at me. The story was a eighth-grade masterpiece; it was my first real hundred in that h*llish class. The story was graphic enough to make an impression and dramatic enough to get their attention. It was certainly the best of two evils combined. It took an hour of counseling soon after it was graded, but every second I wasted in that dull room was worth keeping the story. Reading it aloud, on the other hand, is a much larger demon to strike. I can't proceed to stall, however, as nightfall is nearing by the second, I'm walking towards a dead end if I continue to put this idea on hold.

I need some sort of plan to initiate once I walk in. After all, I need to make this subtle, being that I'm below the legal working age. I need to sound mature in order for this to work. Maybe I could walk around and try to gues— no, that's ridiculous! Who would even want to listen to such a tale in this happy-go-lucky town? Oh well, I'll think of something when I head inside; I don't have a ton of time.

I should've expected this — the library is nearly empty: a few librarians watching a puppeteer perform to a small child audience are present as well as a boy and a girl whom are about my age. I keep an eye on them, as I pull out a book on who knows what. Chances are that I'll be reading for the remainder of my time here. The boy seems too engaged in whatever he's doing to have any sense of what's going on around him, and the girl would most likely be to flighty to sit and listen. Without any new ideas, I open the book to a random spot and hope for the best.

"Hi! I'm Mabel!"

"Wait, what?" I look up from my book, only to be met with the flighty girl, who seems to lack personal space.

"You don't look like anyone I've seen... Gasp, do my eyes deceive me; are you new?"

"Yes," I close the book, clearing my throat, "I'm an aspiring author, hoping to—"

"Dipper!" She called over to the boy.

"Did you find the formula to the Love Go—"

"No no, bro bro. This is way more interesting than your Love Potions! I think I found you someone who can replace Wen—"

"Mabel!" The boy, who I assume is Dipper, covered her mouth with his hand. "Uh... um... we'll be back."

I proceeded to act casually as Dipper made his way back.

"I'm so sorry for this," said Dipper, "I guess my sister had the wrong idea, and wanted to... never mind."

"Oh it's fine, I think she's cute."

Dipper's eyes instantly widened exponentially. I wouldn't blame him. I mean, I did just confess my sudden and unexplained attraction to a girl I've just met. I decided to calm down the atmosphere I just created.

"Yea, she has character. I like it." I rephrased. "She's straight, isn't she?"

"... Well... I... don't... actually... know?"

"Alright. That's fine. Not my main objective here anyways."

Dipper looked at me, expecting an explanation as to what it is.

"Well," I cleared my throat. "As your sister announced to the general vicinity, I'm not a local, and right now, I wouldn't be able to afford it."

"Wait, don't you have parents?"

"Someone's awfully curious, aren't they?" I said, starting to make my way out from the conversation. "Excuse me, but I really need to survive."

"Just one more question!"

I turned my head, facing Dipper's way.

"Are you a vampire?"

I just gave Dipper probably the most concerned and confused look imaginable. "No..."

Dipper looked a bit sweaty. "Sorry,"

I started to take my leave.

"Wait, wait! One more question, please."

"Alright," I sighed.

"What are you doing at the library?"

"To put it briefly, I'm trying to make a living off my stories." I then presented him the one I was carrying.

Dipper skimmed through it before looking back at me. "I think I know someone who would hire you," then turning to get his sister. "Follow us, we want you to meet Grunkle Stan."

Girls of the Stars ♥︎ Mabel X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now