三 ♥︎ Oh No!

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Seconda passed since the teenager ran off, and I am, once again, stuck in a remote town in the middle of nowhere, alone.

I can't drive out; the car broke down the minute I got to the funeral home, and I wasn't even allowed to drive it in the first place. Come to think of it, I don't even know where the car went. I can't find shelter either, as the expenses of the funeral left me with only twenty dollars. Building shelter is another issue since I'm not in the mood to get fined for property damage. Asking around is just as risky, especially without family connections to back me up.
Considering my phone's battery life, relying on the GPS is out of the question. I can't contact anyone either, being that I was never really close to family.

Given my disposition, I need to figure out a plan where I'm completely reliant on my raw ability.

Never would I ever consider this lifestyle anytime soon. Everything is a risk. Everything is at risk. This type of atmosphere is exactly what my parents warned me of. It's scarier to know I took their advice for granted. Until I can walk fearlessly, I need to plan every step.

The uneasy feeling bursts as I remind myself that I don't know where to begin. This is my first time in Oregon, as I'll soon wander with only basic knowledge concerning Portland.

If anything, I need to prioritize a job. Then again, who would be nutty enough to employ a teenager who's not even within the legal working age? Not to mention, one who lacks prior experience, or simply a resume.

I start to observe the world in front of me, trying to find a hotel, or at least somewhere that would carry maps. If I'm lucky, I could find a decent-paying job where I can easily get by without question. I take a stroll through the town, never letting my guard down.

Only then do I realize... This town is practically coated in residential land. There isn't even a homeless shelter to stay in for awhile. Chances are that most occupations here are either private or not hiring. The only potential buildings I've noticed were the church, the funeral home, and a library. [Aside from a few prayers here and there,] I'm not the most religious person you'd bump into. However, If I play my cards right, I might be able to land a real job at the library. On the other hand, there's a much larger chance that I'll end up working as a volunteer, due to my age...

I then start to frantically shuffle around the contents of my bag, rummaging through pieces of paper covered in my handwriting. I aggressively continue to search, for a story of sorts. Hopefully, I brought along a worthy story, preferably a horror story. My plan is to catch the attention of a few people. From there, I could possibly get an employee to notice, and become a regular storyteller for the library. I knew it was awfully far-fetched, but I needed to make money, and possibly a reputation of some sort.

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