- the lake-

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I didn't wake up until 11am. Maybe moving to a new place has taken its toll. I scrunched my nose at the smell of my new room, while slowly realizing where I was. I opened my eyes- which was a mistake as I forgot to close the curtains yesterday- and closed them again immediately.

I just wanted to keep sleeping. I guess I shouldn't have been thinking so loud, because seconds after that, Gemma knocked on my door, came in without awaiting any response whatsoever, stole my blanket and just left the room again. "What is wrong with you?!?", I yelled, but I could only hear her snickering slowly fading, as she went down the stairs.

"Harry you gotta go to the supermarket just around the corner today, to buy some food. Gemma and I have to go to the town hall in a few, to make sure we're registered and fill out some other stuff." "But I just got up." "It's healthy for you young people."

"I doubt that being robbed ones source of warmth and free will is something that would make any person happy. And you", I was pointing at Gemma," stop smiling." But Gemma just couldn't. "We took our bikes right? " "Yes, they're in the garage." "Okay, I'll be right back then."

"Wait, here's the list of things you need to buy...feel free to take some things you like." I nodded and went upstairs again. As I went into my room I forgot why I even did so and decided to read a bit.

It was a rather old book, so I could break its spine as much as I wanted to, without worrying. These types of books were the ones I enjoyed the most. But I couldn't get over myself and just break any book I owned, which were about 300, 350, if I had to guess. I left most of them in Holmes Chapel.

It dawned on me what I came in my room for, when I heard the door slam shut and the car leave. I wanted to search for my jacket. My winter jacket somehow disappeared mysteriously, so I just pulled out another sweater and my hat.

The bike was in the garage, right next to the door. I dusted it off a bit, until I noticed the flat tire. "No. Come on", I cried. In the end it took me 30 minutes to get to that "supermarket around the corner".

When I finally came back two hours later, mom and gemma were already back. I dramatically placed all the food on the dining table and collapsed onto a chair. "I had to WALK and I feel like I'm about to DIE." "What's wrong with your bike?" "Flat tire", I mumbled, head on the table.

"And you walked?? We'll fix it after we had lunch if you'd like that." I showed them a thumbs up, rather than answering. After that, I went to my room again. I wasn't very keen on lunch, cause that walk made me feel very exhausted.

I woke up about an hour or two later, sitting on the floor, with just the head on my couch, I was trying to set up earlier. I ate a few of the spaghetti mum made and after that, we repaired my bike and I went off to the lake. It was a warm autumn evening, so I just sat down on a bench and listened to some music. It felt rather lonely but I tried ignoring the cold feeling starting to creep its way up my shoulders.

The warm breeze touched my cheeks gently and it felt just right. I found a pen in my jacket and began doodling on my left hand. "Isn't that the boy?" "He's here all by himself?" "Shhhss Daisy. Hello Harry." I jumped at the distant words that appeared to be my name.

"Sorry, we didn't want to bother you." "Oh its no bother, I just didn't hear you through my headphones." "Alright then. We missed you today, no one was home. We wanted to invite you and your family for dinner sometime. Perhaps Sunday?" "Sounds great. I'll make sure to ask mum tho." "You do that."

We kept chatting for a while, until I decided to leave. "Mom, we got invited for dinner with the Tomlinsons." "Oh aren't they nice. Did they say when or was it more of an 'we'll invite you, but whenever we manage to find a date that suits us both, so probably never'?"

"Dinner's Sunday." "Should we bring any food?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe your Crème Brûlée mom?", Gemma suggested. "I'll look up their number or stop by in the next days to ask." Gemma left to set up a few more things in her room and Mom made sure to clean up the kitchen.

I sat down on our couch, to watch the latest episode of FRIENDS. I quite missed my piano. We didn't have space in our cars and I didn't want to return for a second trip or book a van solely for that reason, so we had to leave it. I missed the way it could calm me and stir me up at the same time.

For him it was always a way to measure my worth. I could play quite well, but with him breathing down my neck, I was worse than when I first started off. So I stopped playing it. I didn't play for a while but every time he wasn't home I'd fill our home with the sounds of Einaudi, Tchaikowsky or Debussy.

Now that I thought about it, it was quite pathetic, wishing for a piano, when I had everything else. I finished setting up my couch and bedside table. I felt nervous about the dinner on Sunday. Why did they invite us? They didn't know who we were.

Maybe they didn't like us, despised the way I talked or behaved and sooner or later this dinner was the only thing we shared. Eating in front of a lot new strangers made me feel sick, but I needed to put that behind me.  

Feel free to leave some comments :)

Sorry for the late update, but I had to add some stuff to this chapter, because it was really short originally and it took me forever to edit it.

See you in 1 week :)

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