Seventeen. True Colours

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"I'm home!" Judith called as she entered the house after her first day of work. She headed straight for the kitchen to make coffee. She did not expect much of a vocal answer from Jersey but she did expect an impending hug at any point from the unseen spirit.

Coffee was made and the usual spot on the sofa was taken up and still there was no contact from the ghost. "He must have some serious hobbies going on in the attic if he isn't here with me."

Judith felt a little disappointed but decided Netflix would soon turn that around and she turned on the TV. If Jersey did not want her then it was their loss as far as she was concerned.

After two episodes of Black Mirror, Judith walked upstairs (with a glass of wine) to get changed into pyjamas, a lot more comfortable. There was still no sign of Jersey.

I'm just gonna lie in bed, Judith had planned on going back downstairs but without feeling hungry she had no desire to sit in the front room much longer and 'Pride and Prejudice' in bed sounded far better.

Judith was several pages in before she felt the familiar shift in atmosphere. The cold did not affect her anymore and Jersey almost felt warm around her now.

"Finally making an appearance are we?" Judith said sarcastically.

Jersey responded by pressing their desired weight into the mattress next to her. An arm slipped under the mattress and snaked its way to Judith's thigh where it stayed.

"I suppose there's no point telling you I'm in the mood now?" Judith looked towards the invisible shape. However, her mind thought otherwise, Please touch me!

They both lay there silently, unmoving for what felt like an age. Until Jersey began stroking the silk fabric of their lover's pyjamas.

Judith ignored the hand movements and continued reading her book. She actually found the massage relaxing and hypnotic. After finding it difficult to continue reading, Judith placed the book and her glasses down.

"What the-" she started. Looking down she realised her pyjama top was completely undone. She had not realised Jersey had gotten that far. There was a hand lightly squeezing her right breast while the other hand had moved to her inner thigh.

"You're getting sneaky," she said to the ghost. Jersey responded by slipping their hand under the waistline of her bottoms and making their way to Judith's soft centre.

Judith let out a little moan and Jersey immediately began plastering kisses on her neck and chest while it toyed with her vagina.

It took only a few minutes for Judith to come and as if in some sort of trance she fell asleep soon after. Jersey lay by her side well into the night with their head resting on her exposed chest.


The rest of week played out similar events. Judith would get home and get changed and drink a full cup of coffee and a glass of wine before Jersey made any form of contact.

By Saturday, Jersey had made love to Judith once more. The rest of the week they were both happy and content with cuddling until Judith would fall asleep next to the loving spirit.

Any doubts or desire to read from the book were beginning to fade from Judith's mind as she realised just how happy she was with her little arrangement.

Everything was going smoothly and just as they both wanted. At least it was up until the doorbell rang and they both guessed correctly who it was.

The curtains were still drawn so no one could see inside but after the second ring they both recognised the familiar voice of Rose.

Judith, who was sat on the sofa, was about to call out but immediately felt her mouth covered by Jersey's hand. She squirmed and tried to call out but found she could not even stand.

Jersey pressed against her on the sofa and held her hands together with ease in one hand. They did not want Rose visiting Judith and held their woman in place so she could not call out or give any sign that she was at home.

Judith continued to protest and fight against her restraining partner but to no useful effect. Her eyes widened as from nowhere a sharp knife hung suspended in the air pointing towards her.

Defeated, Judith relaxed and stopped fighting. She sat there frightened as Jersey released their grip on her.

After a few more knocks and missed phone calls, Rose gave up and left, assuming Judith was not home.

"What are you doing?" Judith asked furiously. "You cannot control my life like this!" She was still pinned to the sofa but was allowed some movement. Jersey appeared to ignore her at first.

The TV suddenly came to life and switched to Netflix. Jersey placed the remote control in her hand but still kept her firmly held on the sofa.

"What the fu-" Judith started before Jersey covered her mouth again. The knife reappeared, suspended in the air once more.

When her mouth was released again Judith took several sharp deep breaths like she was hyperventilating. She no longer felt Jersey holding her down but she was now too scared to even consider moving.

Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks but she made no effort to wipe them. She wanted Jersey to know they were hurting her.

Judith thumbed the remote and put a random comedy show on. She was not in the mood to watch TV but she knew Jersey was not going to let her move from her position any time soon.

Two hours passed before Judith found the courage to move. She stood up cautiously, feeling no resistance from the spirit. She made her way to the bathroom to relieve herself.

When she returned to the front room she was suddenly and unexpectedly embraced into a hug from Jersey.

Judith stood motionless, unable to move. She did not believe Jersey's intentions were innocent with the embrace and now feared they would have their way with her. She felt defenceless once more and any will to fight she once had was now lost.


Word count- 18404

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