Nineteen. To Rid the Ghost

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Jersey still did not appear to be around when she returned home. She took the blessed water straight to the kitchen and placed it in a cupboard under one of the counter tops.

The metal rod she placed in the cupboard under the stairs. The thought of using it was making her uncomfortable but she knew the time would soon come.

Luckily, Judith remembered to get wine while she was out as to look like she had been to the local store for supplies.

She poured herself a glass and sat in the front room, this time feeling the presence of Jersey nearby.

The spirit stood over her and Judith could almost feel it staring down at her. "Hello, Jersey," she tried to sound casual, even though her heartbeat picked up pace.

Jersey knelt down in front of her and Judith felt her dress slowly riding up and light kisses placed on her bare knees.

"Mary stop!" Judith raised her voice, they both paused. "Sorry, I meant Jersey." Judith was surprised with herself, Shit, what was I thinking?

If she thought Jersey was going to get annoyed and leave her alone, she was only half right. The spirit pressed against her again, this time roughly, planting kisses on her lips and cheeks.

Judith threw her head from side to side to get away and tried to kick out at Jersey as the spirit continued its attempts to raise her dress above her thighs.

Her whole dress was then being groped and pulled at and Judith felt the seams were about to give way. "Get- off- m-me!" She tried to scream in-between the attack on her mouth.

The dress tore at the shoulder and Judith immediately clasped her chest to prevent any more fabric from tearing. She could feel the spirit grab a fist full of fabric on her stomach and she was horrified at knowing what was coming next. What did happen was unexpected.

The doorbell rang.

"What?" Judith whispered with quiet relief as Jersey's relentlessness eased off. They were equally as confused and frustrated on top.

With quick thinking reflexes Judith managed to jump to her feet and dive towards the front door. She crashed into the door causing a loud thud before she was grabbed and dragged back into the room.

"Help!" She screamed before her mouth was covered.

"Judith? Are you ok?" It was Rose. She opened the front door and entered the house. A look of terror spread across her face when she saw Judith.

From her point of view the scene was of Judith being held down on the sofa with her dress torn in several places, her arms were pinned to her sides. Although invisible, there was a clear indication that something was pressed tightly against her mouth. Judith was rocking slightly and Rose could see what could only be described as her underwear twitching as if she was using an invisible toy on herself.

"What the fuck?" She asked.

Judith stared back at her with pleading, tearful eyes. "Help me," she tried to whimper. Jersey wanted to use her and was not afraid to do it in front of her friend.

Rose knew instantly something was wrong. "Shit! How can I help?" She moved towards Judith but was suddenly thrown sideways as a force struck her across the cheek like a slap. She fell into the TV and pushed it against the wall, the screen smashed under her weight.

Jersey released Judith from their grip and immediately fell upon Rose. They pulled at her coat before attempting to rip her trousers from her.

"What the!" Rose screamed. "Get off me!"

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