Melony's Metacord experience pt1

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SMG4 is in his room on a call with SMG3.

SMG4 says "So where can I find new memes? People keep saying I'm outdated. SMG3 do you have any ideas?

SMG3 who is in his cafe says "I don't know man. How about Metacord?"

SMG4 says "Metacord? I've heard a lot about it I don't know man."

Melony is on her way to show SMG4 her new manga. When through the door she hears SMG4 talking about Metacord.

Melony knocks on SMG4's door.
"Hey SMG4! I want to show you something!" Melony says with her voice filled with excitement. While holding her Manga.

"Not now Melony I'm busy!" SMG4 says.

Melony slightly opens the door to SMG4's room. She can see in bright white letters on SMG4's computer Metacord.

"What's Metacord?" Melody asks curiously.

SMG4 yells "Hey get out of my room!"

Melony startled by the yelling closes the room door. "Maybe Tari would know what it is." Melony thinks to herself.

Melony walks over to the game room. Sure enough Tari is there sitting on the couch playing a game.

Tari hears Melony walk in "Heyo!" Tari says cheerfully. "What's up Melony? Are you here to play some games with me?"

Melony sits down on the couch next to Tari. "No I wanted to know something. I thought you might be able to help me with it."

Tari pauses her game and, looks over at Melony then says "What is it?"

Melony says "What's Metacord?"

Tari looks shocked and, says in a concerned voice. "I don't think you want to know."

Melony cutly tilts her head to the left with her head being on her left shoulder then ask "Why not? Is there something wrong with it?"

Tari realizeing she may have sounded a bit mean says "Uh no it's just that I don't think you would like it."

Melony still with her head tiled says "Why wouldn't I like it?"

Tari says "It's a social media thing. Have you ever even used social media before Melony?"

Melony says "What's social media?"

Tari sighs realizing she has a lot to explain. "Ok Melony social media is like being able to text the entire world or, at least millions of people all at the same time without having there phone number."

Tari takes a few hours explaining it to Melony...

"Oh I get it now!!!" Melony says with her voice filled with excitement.

Tari says "Ok I'm happy you understand it. Because I don't want to explain it again."

Melony says "Thanks for explaining it to me!" Then she excitedly runs off to her room to get her phone.

Melony grabs her phone and, looks up Metacord. She taps on the link that says "Sign up today!" She goes through the process and, makes her account. Then she joins her first server.

"SMG4's Winter paradise" is its name.

She gets greeted by a bot called
"Fishy Botkins" luckily for Melony she knows it's a bot. She reads the server's rules and, then goes to the first channel she sees.

The channel name reads "#general-chat"
She enters her first ever message on the first ever social media she's used in all her life. "Hello!" She instantly gets DMed by SMG4.

SMG4 "What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

Melony replies with "I asked Tari about Metacord. Did I do something wrong?"

SMG4 replies with "No no it's fine. Just be careful. People act way differently online than they do in real life."

Melony sends a message reading
"I know all about Internet safety thanks to Tari. I'm sure I'll be fine."

SMG4 says "Ok but, don't come crawling to me if you see something you don't like. If you don't turn back now it might be too late. Also remember to turn off your DM's."

Melony texts back "Why? Everyone's so friendly. Why would I turn off my DM's?"

SMG4 texts back "Just trust me you'll want to."

Melony goes to her settings and, turns off DM's. Then she sees that someone replied.

Tari: "Heyo!"

Then a mod pings Melony.

Random_Crit: "Please read the rules. Don't roleplay."

Melony: "What do you mean? I'm not roleplaying."

SMG4: "Don't worry Crit she's not roleplaying that's really Melony."

Random_Crit: "Really? Now you're on there side."

SMG4: "I'm serious. Somehow she learned about Metacord. I warned her that she might not want to stick around but, she insisted."

Random_Crit: "Alright but, we're not going to go easy on you just because you're one of SMG4's friends. Alright?"

Melony: "Ok."

Fishy Botkins: "Melony has been given the Image Boyz role."

Melony starts yawning.

Melony: "Goodnight everyone!"

With that Melony turns off her phone and, goes to sleep. This concludes this chapter.

(Inside Melony's dream)

Melony is using Metacord when all of a sudden she gets DM'ed by a stranger. They send her a game they've been working on but, when she opens the file her account gets hacked.

She watches in horror as it starts to spread her personal information. In a matter of moments a mob of people have appeared outside the window to her room.

Once the mod sees her they start trying to break down the window. She doesn't know it yet but, these types of people are called "Simps."

Just as they bust down the window Melony wakes up.

Panicked from her nightmare Melony runs over to the window and, is relieved to see that it's still there. Then she checks her phone and, sees that her account hasn't been hacked.

Melony tries to go back to sleep but, she's too scared to. So she just lies in bed.
Even though she can't sleep she's happy. Happy that it was just a dream. That her account didn't get hacked and, there isn't a mob of people trying to get into her room.

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