Melony's Home Alone?

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Melony is sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden she hears a bunch of people running around in the castle. Then she hears them all get in a car. Lastly she hears a plane take off. With all that noise Melony has no choice but to get up to see what's going on.

Melony says to herself "What's all that noise?" She looks out the window then sees the deep blue of the night. There's only a little light from the moon that is able to sneak through the trees. She can't help but wonder what everyone could have been doing to make so much noise this early in the morning.

Melony then sees a note pinned to her door. The note reads "All of us are going to a Meeting for SMG4 we tried to wake you up but, we couldn't and, we had to go. Sorry for leaving you behind. From Meggy. Ps We'll have our phones off so it doesn't disturb us."

Melony can't believe they just left her behind but, she shrugs then yawns and, goes back to bed. After all it's three in the morning. She lies down on her side and, pulls the cover over her.

A few hours later...

The warm sunlight cooks Melony under the cover. Forcing her to wake up and, get out of bed. Then she notices how her stomach growls. She goes to the kitchen and, opens the fridge. Then she sees that it's empty. Melony decides to look in the freezer. Empty. Lastly she checks the cupboard. Empty.

Melody decides to just order some food. She goes back to her bedroom and, hacks onto a food delivery service and, orders some food. Since she hacked into it the food was also free.

The food arrives almost instantly and, Melony takes it from the front door and, brings it inside. She sets the bag on the kitchen table then opens it. Inside is a huge hamburger a huge thing of French fries and, a chocolate milkshake.

She starts to eat the hamburger when all of a sudden she hears a strange banging noise coming from the far side of the castle. She sits down the food and, goes to investigate the noise.

As she approaches the normally boarded up room she can hear the sound get louder and, louder. She opens the door and, sees someone poking out of a hole on the floor while holding a pickaxe. It looks like they dug a tunnel to get into the castle. Just as Melony goes to ask them who they are and, why they are there they see her and, go back into the hole somehow closing it up behind her.

Just then Melony hears a click and, sees a sentry on the floor looking at her. She thinks it's about to start shooting her so she rushes out of the room. Once she makes it out of the room she slams the door shut behind her. As soon as the door closes a steel shutter comes down from the top of the door way and, blocks the door. The shutter door has a red circle with a slanted red line going through the middle of it.

Melony not knowing what to do decides to just go back to the kitchen and, finish her lunch. She picks up the hamburger and, goes back to where she left off. Then she can't help but think.
"This burger is quite similar to the ones they have at Starbucks. Despite the fact it says it's from some diner. But at least it tastes good."

Just then all of a sudden Melony hears a speaker saying "Intruder alert A simp is in the building." Then red alarm lights that Melony has never even seen before start turning on while she can hear a siren.

Then she sees someone in white sneakers light brown pants, a white shirt a red tie and, pink glasses with purple hair. They are just standing there looking at her. At first Melony doesn't remember who it is.

Wimpu: How are you doing?

Melony remembers that voice.

Melony: Oh Hello Wimpu!

With that the alarms seem to stop for seemingly no reason.

Wimpu: Oh my she actually said something back! His face starts to turn red.

Melony tries to be nice points to a chair across the table from her.

Melony: Are you going to sit down or, just keep standing there being weird and, stand there while staring at me?

Wimpu sits down across the table from Melony.

Melony: So what are you doing here Wimpu?

Wimpu: Sakio said she wanted to hangout with me and, to meet her here. But I think she was just pranking me.

Melony: Well that's not very nice of her to do.

Wimpu: Hey it's not all that bad.

Melony and, Wimpu hangout and, keep talking.

With that this short story ends. Because if it was any longer then it wouldn't be a short story.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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