February 14th

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It was valentine's day in the mushroom kingdom and, love was in the air. It seemed everyone had a partner. Everyone but, melony.

Melony was sitting on her bed in her room. She had just woken up from her night's sleep. She seemed to be happy. Then she turned on her phone and, her heart sank.

On her lock screen was a notification from her calendar.
"Happy Valentine's day!"

Melony thought to herself
"Well today's gonna be horrible. Seeing all those couples. It's going to remind me of my time with Axol. I hope I'm strong enough to make it through the day. Maybe I should just sleep the day away."

Melony starts crying.

On the other side of the castle Tari is playing a game on the TV when her phone goes off.

Tari pauses the game and, checks her phone. "Happy Valentine's day!"
The notification says.

Tari stops in shock when see reads it.
"Melony. She's probably crying her eyes out right now." Tari thinks.

Tari turns off the game and, rushes to Melony's room. She runs like she's trying to escape a fire.

Meanwhile In melony's room she's sitting there on her bed. "No I have to be strong. It's just a stupid holiday. It's not even a real one as they don't close anything because of it. It's ok to be alone whenever you want. Even on Valentine's day." Melony thinks trying to cheer herself up. Which will be no easy task.

Just then Tari barges into Melony's room. Tari does it as If she's a cop busting down a door to save a hostage.

Tari excitedly exclaims "I'm not going to let one of my friends be sad and, alone ever. Especially on Valentine's day!"

Melony looks only the smallest but happy. She's more angry really. Because Tari destroyed her bedroom door.

Melony slightly angry says "Tari why did you destroy my door?"

Tari looks back and, sees the door laying on the floor in a million pieces.
Tari nervously laughs and, says
"Oops sorry. I guess it was weaker than I thought."

Melony shrugs then says "Ok I guess."

Tari "How are you doing today? I saw what day it was then I remembered that you're probably going to be miserable today."

Melony in a slightly sad tone of voice asks "Why did you think that?"

Tari replies with "Because of Axol. Maybe I shouldn't have said that." Tari looks nervous again.

Melony gives Tari a reassuring smile.

Melody: "No no. It's ok. I've moved on. At least a bit. I think." Melony looks unsure of herself.

Tari sits down next to Melony on the bed.

Tari: "Well did you want to hangout? I don't have a valentine's date. So I've got nothing better to do than to hangout with one of my good friends."

Melony looks happier.

Melody: "Sure but what are we going to do? On Valentine's day everything is meant for couples."

Tari: "I think I know a good place. That we can go to. It has some great ramen."

Melony: "Cool. I've never had any ramen. Well any that didn't come from a packet anyways."

Tari: "Trust me Melony this ramen is soooo much better. It's real also. It's not from a packet. It's made entirely by hand."

Melony gets up from her bed.
She looks ready to go and, Tari can tell.

Tari and, Melony head out of the castle to Tari's car.

It's an unassuming four door. Like the type a government agent might be in.
It's a blue four door.

Melony gets in the car then notices there's no steering wheel.

Melony: "How do you drive this thing with no steering wheel?"

Tari: "Just watch!"

Tari pulls out a controller and, hits a button. Then the car jumps forward slightly.

Melody: "Whoa that's pretty cool!"

Tari: "Thanks! I made it myself. It seems my special arm helps me do more than just play videogames."

Melony: "Interesting."

Tari then starts driving.

Now on a highway in a big city Melony looks around in amazement as she sees all the neon signs and, all the video game stores.

Then Melony sees a sign saying
"Welcome to Silica City the world's gaming capital!"

"How do you know how to get here Tari? I've never even heard of this place before." Melony questions.

Tari: "I think I'm from here. I'm not one hundred percent sure. I just know I've been here before even though I can't remember what I did when I was here."

Melony: "That's interesting."

Tari then drives the car down a sloped road leading to a garage door. Tari then does something with the computer on her arm and, suddenly the garage opens.

Tari then drives in and, the garage closes behind her. Then Tari and, Melony get out of the car and, head into a door that a sign pointed to.

Once they walk in they are inside a ramen restaurant. The man behind the counter says "Oh hey Tari it's been a long time."

Tari says: "Hey Messa how's it going?"

Messa: "It's going good. Ever since Lux mysteriouly disappeared things here have improved greatly."

Messa: "Hey Tari who's your friend?"

Tari: "Oh that's Melony I've known her for a long time. I brought her here because today's Valentine's Day but, she didn't have a date. I knew there wouldn't be many people here. So we came here so we could get away from all the couples."

Messa: "How doesn't she have a date?"

Tari: "It's a long story. I'll tell you sometime if that's ok with Melony."

Melony nods her head approvingly.

Messa makes himself Tari and, Melony some ramen then they all sit down and, start eating.

As they get to talking some of Messa's other friends come into the restaurant and, they all share a meal and, a chat. With that the story ends. With Tari having successfully gotten Melony's mind away from the fact that she doesn't have a boyfriend on Valentine's day.

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