Melony's unforgettable luncheon

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Melony opens the front door to Meggy's hotel apartment thing. (I really don't even know what to call it)

Meggy opens the door.

Melony: I managed to make it. But only because I've been here before. How many times have I told you I can't understand you're squid language.

Meggy: Yeah I've been meaning to translate it but, I've been to busy.
I hope you're ready for an
Unforgettable luncheon!

Melony: I hope it is forgettable. I'm tired of all the crazy stuff that keeps happening.

Meggy: Oh yeah true.

Melony follows meggy to the table then Melony sits down while meggy goes to the kitchen.

Meggy opens the door and, sees her oven has exploded. She quickly tossed it out the window.

Meggy: Oh no I forgot I don't know how to cook. Melony seems dumb enough that maybe I could buy fast food and, say I made it. Hey that's a pretty good idea.

Meggy opens the window and, almost makes it out when Melony walks though the kitchen door.

Melody: (In a confused and, innocent sounding way.) Huh?

Meggy then quickly gets out of the window and, back into the kitchen.

(In a nervous tone.)
Meggy: Uh I was just uh. Oh! I was just doing some exercises. Gotta keep my strength up!

Melony: Where is your oven?

Meggy: Uhhhh oven? What oven? I was going to make the food in the microwave.

(In a happy tone) Melony: Oh ok.
Melony walks out of the room.

Meggy breathes a sigh of relief. Then she hops out the window and, runs to SMG3's coffee and, bombs.

Meggy walks into the cafe.

SMG3: Oh hello meggy. What are you doing here? (In a sinister tone.)

Meggy: Uh I need some food fast.

SMG3: Why?

Meggy: I invited Melony for lunch but, then I remembered that I can't cook.

SMG3 starts laughing.

Meggy starts to get angry.

SMG3: Ok ok. I'll make something.

Meanwhile Melony is sitting at the table alone. She gets tired from waiting and, falls asleep.

SMG3 walks back to the counter and, puts down two brown paper bags with food in them.

SMG3: Ok here's your order. That'll be 999,999 coins.

Meggy looks mad beyond what can be described with words.

SMG3 gets nervous.
SMG3: Oh did I see it's 999,999 coins? What I uh. What I meant to say was that it's free!!!

Meggy picks up the bags then leaves.

Meggy puts the hamburgers and, fries on a plate in a fancy pattern. Then she opens the kitchen door.

Meggy: I hope you're ready for Mouthwatering hamburgers!

Melony wakes up then she yawns.
Melony: Hamburgers? How did you cook hamburgers in your microwave?

Meggy gives a nervous smile.
Meggy: Uh because it's a Meta microwave? (Nervous laugh.)

Melony: Ohhhh can I see it?

Meggy: Uh hahaha no.

Meggy and, Melony start eating the hamburgers.

Melony: These remind me of SMG3's hamburgers.

(Nervous) Meggy: Oh no. It's a uh old family recipe for hamburgers.

Melony: I'm not trying to be rude but, I don't believe you.

(Nervous) Meggy: Uh. There's uh something. I Mean uh. I'll be right back.

Melony: Ok.

Meggy gets up and, runs onto the kitchen. Melony keeps eating her burger.

Meggy walks out of the kitchen and, yawns.

Meggy: I hope you had a good time Melony. But I'm tired.

Melony gets up from her chair and, says "Yeah I should probably leave. I need to feed Axol Jr."

Melony and, Meggy walk to the front door.

(Outside the front door.)
Melony: Well Meggy even though you're not a good cook but, somehow you make good hamburgers.

Melony walks away.

Meggy: I'm glad that plan actually worked somehow.

A few hours later.

We see Melony entering her bedroom in the castle. She's pretty tired when her phone goes off. It's a notification from

Melony is so tired that she doesn't even read it. She puts her phone on the charger then turns it off.

She walks over to her closet and, gets the Axolotl food. Then she pours some into Axol Jr.'s tank. Then she puts the bag down and, yawns.

She walks over to bed sits on it then lies down and, falls asleep. With that this story is over.

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