Melony's April Fooled

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Melony sits up in her bed and, stretches.
The sun that's coming through the windows burning her eyes. She slowly turns to face her nightstand. She slowly reaches down and, takes her phone off the charger. Then picks it up.

Then Melony opens her phone and, sees a notification from MetaCord.
"New Message from Axol."

Melony's heart skips a beat as she reads it. Then she drops her phone. Luckily the phone didn't get hurt. Melony swiftly picks up the phone and, taps on the notification to open it. But then she pauses as she remembered that Axol is dead.

Melony being as naive as she is decides to open up the message anyways.

Axol: Hey Melony! Remember me?

Melony: How are you sending me messages? You're dead!

Axol: No I'm not!

Melony: I know better than that.

Axol: It's really me, Look! They send a photo of Axol that looks like a shelfie.

Melony starts breathing so heavily that her face starts to turn blue.
Melody thinks "Could this be real? Could Axol have come back to life somehow?

Then Axol sends another message.
Axol: Please Melony trust me. It's really me!

Melony pretends to believe him.

Melony: I believe you! She sends a cute selfie of her smiling and, giving the peace sign.

Axol: Ok. So ummm how have you been?

Melony: I've been doing good. Ever since I got over your death. But that's a long story.

Meanwhile across the castle...

SMG4 walks into his room only to see Mario on the computer laughing.

SMG4 asked Mario "Hey what's so funny? Also what are you doing in my room?"

Mario responds with "I'm just doing a silly prank don't mind me."

SMG4 now questions Mario even more.
"What kind of prank?"

Then Melony sends a message to Axol
Melony: How did you come back from the afterlife?

When Mario hears the sound on the computer he spins the chair around to face the computer then starts typing.

Axol: I want to tell you but, if I do then the people in charge of the afterlife will kill me.

Then Mario starts laughing.

SMG4 pushes Mario out of the chair to see what he's doing.

Mario yells "Hey I was doing something!"

SMG4 ignores Mario and, looks at the computer. Once he realizes what Mario was up to SMG4 is horrified.

SMG4 turns around and, starts yelling at Mario "I've seen you do some stupid and, messed up things. But this is way too far."

Mario then tries to say "It's just a prank bro-"

SMG4 cuts off Mario's sentence then SMG4 tells Mario "You have to fix this. You can't let Melony know it was a prank because If you do then that would destroy Melony. You can't keep it up forever. If you mess up I will know and, I'll make sure you never eat any spaghetti ever again.

Mario then starts begging "Please anything but that!"

SMG4 responds with "Well then you better make this right, or else."
SMG4 walks out of the room and, closes the door behind him.

Melony sends Axol a message.

Melony: Hey how are you doing?

Axol: Uh I'm doing good. How about you Melony?

Melony: I'm doing great now that you're alive again. I'm going to be right back. I've gotta tell SMG4 about this.

Axol: No wait!!!

Melony doesn't see the message as she's locked her phone and, put it in her pocket.

Mario starts panicking as he can hear Melony fast approaching the room.

Melony opens the door and, sees Mario in there.

Melony says "Hey Mario where's SMG4?"

Mario starts to sweat so much it's like a waterfall. Then the floor under him gets so slippery he slips and, falls despite never even having moved.

Melony just shrugs and, walks past Mario then she sees what's on the computer.

She stops in her tracks and, falls to her knees. She starts crying while also turning red.

"Mario why is this on the computer?" Melony strains out between her sadness embarrassment and, anger.

Mario tries to answer but then Melony goes deity mode and, gets up and, flies over to Mario then grabs him and, starts beating him up.

Once she's happy with what she's done she lets Mario go. Then she lands and, falls back onto her knees and, returns to normal.

Having used the energy of a Nuclear power plant to do what she did. Melony tries to get up but, then she passes out from exhaustion. Sleeping so peacefully on the floor that you would she did what she just did moments before if you hadn't seen her do it.

SMG4 comes back in and, him and, Mario load Melony into a trolley and, then gently put her in her bed.

Mario: "Shouldn't we punish her for beating me up?"

SMG4: "No if anything I should punish you for what you did to her. That was way too far even for you Mario."

Mario looks defeated.

SMG4: "I hope you're happy with yourself because once I tell everyone what you did they'll also be upset with you."

Mario: "I'm sorry."

SMG4: "You better be!"

With that they walk out of Melony's bedroom leaving her comfortably on the bed.

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